Matheus   Santa Catarina, Brazil
Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy´s.
PSN - Tomahawk-141 Live ID - Subiewerk
Languages - Russian, English and Portuguese (native)
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So , I usually don't write reviews, but Warhammer sure is one of a kind. I got into this universe by playing Total War on gamepass, and was immediately drawn into this vast and rich universe. 40k DoW is a simple and straight-fowared game in terms of mechanics, but with a dense and rich lore as background.

It took me around 30hs to finish the game campaign on normal/hard missions (eventually I would lower the difficulty if I was having a real hard time). Since I'm in the military, I don't have much free time, so this format where you go for small incursions and can save your progress after each mission is perfect for me.

The gameplay mechanic is pretty simple. This helps the game flow better, without any unecessary information on screen. Even tho the missions are pretty straight-fowared, you have more than one way to approach your objectives. You can combine different troops and vehicles as well, use scouts or simply use the old fashioned way of spamming a swarm of troops towards your enemies.

The graphics are pretty decent considering the release date, but I personally didn't focus too much on it. If you zoom in during some fights you can see some animations such as kicking and sword fighting, which is pretty cool in my opinion. The sound did freeze to me a few times, for something like 3-5 secs. Not something that ruined the game for me, but worth pointing out. Sometimes the usual character line would come out like "SPACE MARINES ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-ACK"

The AI is pretty well balanced in my opinion. If normal seems too easy for you, you can try one step up, and if you really like a challenge, you can go for the hardest one. Overall, the game offers a good experience in terms of balance and scaling difficulty. Sometimes when you point your soldier to an objective, it will choose the worst path to get there, but this is pretty easy to solve if you turn your big path into smaller routes, where you can control the AI movements with more precision.

You can set up "stance" for your troops in a pretty wide system. Even better than other RTS games that I've tried, like Wargame for example. In Dawn of War you can set them to hold position but open fire, to go for an all out attack, to hold position - face the threat ahead - and then go back to their last postition, burn buildings or simply stand ground and cease fire at all (I know, it sounds dumb but it's useful when you're using artillery tanks)

The lore is delivered in a simple, yet interesting way. It will make you wonder more about this marvellous world and creating a special feelings towards the characters.

I bought this game in a discount sale but I'd say it's actually worth the full price, even tho it's a 2006 game. Just have in mind you probably won't have much of the replay factor if you don't feel like doing the same missions again. There is no achievments as well, so maybe some players won't feel much need of going trought the campaign again in other difficulties.

Well, that's it. Sorry for my bad english. Now stop thinking about it and buy this game already. The emperor needs you.