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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,067.6 hrs on record (259.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jun, 2018 @ 2:40am
Updated: 8 Jul, 2021 @ 5:20am

Dear potential buyers of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege,

TLDR: Get the game if you enjoy fps' that rewards strategic gameplay and preferably with a
group of friends as matchmaking with randoms often results in poor communication.

A match in Rainbow Six Siege rotates between Attackers and Defenders which as the name implies requires you to attack an objective and defend an objective respectively.

The game itself is challenging and rewards familiarity and skills which as with many other games, can be honed over time. The in-game currency "Renown" can be used to purchase some gun skins and most importantly; Operators which are your playable characters.

Operators each have their own ability which is unique to the character and there always exists a counter to each ability to maintain the balance within the game. Attackers and Defenders have different operators with abilities that vary greatly from one another.

Personally, I would recommend taking some time to try out an operator to get the hang of their ability and also understand the role the character has in a team.

While the prospect of learning all the abilities and tactics that can be taken in the game may seem daunting, it is best to take it in at your own pace and experience the game according to your own capacity to avoid losing faith in the game.
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iRySuperShuba 29 Jun, 2019 @ 12:23pm 
i reread again and this is a goddamn good review
iRySuperShuba 3 Jun, 2018 @ 7:11am 
good write up