:summer2019mushroom: :summer2019cone: :summer2019mushroom:
:summer2019mushroom: :steamhappy: :summer2019mushroom:
:summer2019mushroom: :summer2019mushroom: :summer2019mushroom:

Hallowed Be Thy Name!
Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
Terms and conditions of this profile
1. General Terms
In the following context, we define "the profile" as the profile you are visiting at this moment.
Furthermore we use the term "posting to the profile" for any activity in which you, the steam user actively interact with this profile. This includes commenting on screenshots, videos and artworks made by the profile owner (Apfelvater) and writing profile-comments aka. "guestbook entries".
Excluded are any voting entries, like up- and downvotes, likes and dislikes, and awards on any content made by the profile owner. ( plis give award )

2. Agreement
By posting to this profile you implicitly accept the terms and conditions of the profile.

3. Data Usage
Your public aswell as your private profile data and nude pics can and will be processed and given to third-party-companies.
You do not have the right to download the data we store of you.
Any legal action you proceed to take will be send to our special compartment for such handles.

4. Special Compartment
Recycle bin.
Except it wont be recycled.
iss dein Brokkoli cz 29 Nov @ 8:26am 
Du Lappen hast du nach 9 abgebrochen? Iss ist die Befehlsform von essen... solltest deine Zeit lieber in Bildung investieren, weil in Hunt bi:steamthumbsdown:st du nicht so gut .-.
Apfelvater 6 Nov @ 1:23am 
and youre a small amateur.
Happy and cheerful brother 5 Nov @ 12:57pm 
great amateur...
Apfelvater 1 Nov @ 10:45am 
Überzeugungstäter 1 Nov @ 8:34am 
teamkiller dont play hunt ! ersten fight gestorben ,zweiten fight gestorben und am ende die eigenen leute killen nice mate ^^
Apfelvater 26 Oct @ 4:13am 