Stoic Honour
Justin   Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be, be one."

~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
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477 Hours played
Have I really not reviewed Kenshi after all this time?

I have been with the game for a very, very long time. Well over half a decade now.

When I first started playing, Kenshi was a very different game than it is today. The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay is very different from anything else I've ever played, it's damn near a genre of it's own.

When you first start playing, you will kind of feel as though you're at a loss for what to do. That's deliberate. You will be dropped somewhere in the massive world. You will be weak, and you will be dogfood.
Or cannibal food.
Or fogmen food.
Or beak thing food.
Or slaver food.

It's a brutal game where you can do or be anything you'd like, a wasteland where the only limits are your flavour for risk and the many perils outside city walls.

You may start off as a lone wanderer, broke and weaker than goats. That isn't a bad thing, as anything you find is exciting. My advice, start off with one character. There are many options for playthrough beginnings, but in my experience starting with more than one or two can lead to more confusion than it's worth when you're a new player.

For real, if you have hours of time to sink into video games, this will likely be a favourite if you give it an honest chance. A true gem that will always be one of my most respected games, even decades from now when Steam is obsolete and entropy begins to unfurl upon our existence.
Bunny 21 Aug, 2016 @ 3:21pm 
idk lol
Stoic Honour 21 Aug, 2016 @ 11:34am 
Your ability to copy and paste impresses me, but was that really neccessary?