Amy 13. okt. 2019 kl. 7:54 
Q: What do you call 15 blondes in a circle?
A: A dope ring.

Q: Why do blondes put their hair in ponytails?
A: To cover up the valve stem.
Crowley had been extremely impressed with the warranties offered by the
computer industry, and had in fact sent a bundle Below to the department
that drew up the Immortal Soul agreements, with a yellow memo form attached
just saying: "Learn, guys."
-- Crowley is a demon, in case you don't know
(Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)

Wash: "Can we maybe vote on the whole murdering people issue?"
Neckties strangle clear thinking.
-- Lin Yutang

Wedding, n:
A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes
to become nothing and nothing undertakes to become supportable.
-- Ambrose Bierce
Nobody's gonna believe that computers are intelligent until they start
coming in late and lying about it.
Whoaaaaaa 16. juli 2018 kl. 20:15 
alturbo you never told me what you were spoolin
Whoaaaaaa 4. juli 2018 kl. 22:45 
claims to have turbo but all i see is a blown head gasket
jungle MONKEY 15. feb. 2018 kl. 19:34 
plz add me I am nice guy i swera :(((
Zoro ⇄ Buying|Selling|CSGOITEM 3. apr. 2017 kl. 18:45 

TyFie 28. dec. 2016 kl. 23:22 
Squbbs 6. aug. 2016 kl. 8:18 
Stahp chaynjing ur naym berhdoeh
Squbbs 8. apr. 2016 kl. 12:51 
Eyyyy ets teh Berhdoeh

Oi'nke'Auh Allœ
Squbbs 8. apr. 2016 kl. 6:43 
🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿 Oi'nke'Auh Allœ
Squbbs 8. apr. 2016 kl. 6:43 
Oi'nke'Auh Allœ
Squbbs 7. apr. 2016 kl. 19:21 
Oi'nke'Auh Allœ
Squbbs 22. mar. 2016 kl. 18:16 
Why the croip do you keep changing your names…lets bang ok 🎅🏿
Agent shitass 2. dec. 2015 kl. 1:16 
here in the bath room holding my wenie