Tommaso Giobbi   Rome, Lazio, Italy
"BEST SOUNDS" PLAYLIST! [open.spotify.com]
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Esea [play.esea.net]
Instagram [www.instagram.com]
"ITALIAN RAP" PLAYLIST! [open.spotify.com]

"E' proprio di chi è ignaro di filosofia accusare gli altri delle proprie disgrazie; è proprio invece di chi ha cominciato a istruirsi accusare se stesso; è proprio infine di chi si è educato nella filosofia non accusare né gli altri né se stesso"

"L'Utopia è il luogo che esiste ma bisogna darsi da fare per realizzare. Esso può essere non sognato, ma ideato.
L'Utopia è quel desiderio di un'atmosfera e di un luogo che esprima quella parte viva, frizzante, armoniosa e perfino estatica di noi, che di solito si perde nei meandri del quotidiano coi suoi affanni, nei doveri e nelle necessità della vita.
L'Utopia è libertà dagli schemi, dove può collocarsi anche l'assurdo, ma un assurdo vivibile."

"We have spent so many years, millions of years collecting wisdom and learning about each other, respect, knowledge and all of the things we should know. Then I feel like if Wisdom was a person, maybe, he/she’d look down upon us and see all the things we do towards the planet, the animals, the women, the men and the children… I think Wisdom would cry because we spend like a second tearing down what we have spent millions of years becoming, if that makes sense. And it’s… sad’'
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La La Land again <3
About me

CS:GO Powned Academy Tournament ► 1st Place with Adversus
CS:GO Go4Csgo ► TOP 9/164 with PWND.ACADEMY

CS:GO Go4Csgo ► TOP 4/164 with Romania Che Passione


Team Kronos: (June 2016 - September 2016)
eXevia eSports: (September 2016 - February 2017)
PWND.ACADEMY: (October 2017 - June 2018)
TeamViS: (June 2018 - August 2018)
99in9: (August 2018 - September 2018)
Sight eSports: (October 2018 - January 2019)

Italian Gaming Project: (April 2019 - May 2019)
Holochrome ASD (May 2019 - September 2019)


TEAM ROLES - Rifler/Igl/Awper


My biggest passions are cinema, history, music, politics, philosophy, psychology and languages (I studied french, english and spanish), but I'm currently studying cinema in order to become a screenwriter. If I like what I'm doing, I'll keep doing it until I reach my goal and I won't stop, but I'm also very lazy If I'm forced to do stuff. I'm very emotional, and I like this part of me, even though sometimes it backfires ;D. I'm very empathic, and I would love people to give me back what I give them everyday, but not everyone thinks about stuff like that unfortunately :P.

FAVORITE CS PLAYER - kennyS has been my inspiration to start playing, otherwise i'd say s1mple, i've been a fan of him since he was on flipside.
FAVORITE TEAM - Na'Vi/Evil Geniuses

- A man was to be sentenced and the judge told him you may make a statement. If you tell the truth I'll sentence you to 4 years, however, if you lie then I'll sentence you to 6 years. After the man's statement the judge decides to let him go. What did the man say? "You will sentence me to six years." If that statement was a lie the man would get 6 years which would really make his statement true. If it was true he would only get 4 years making the statement false. Refusing to go against his own word the judge decides to let him go.
Akari 18 Jun, 2024 @ 6:30am 
I'm still here buddy <3
Zeanyy 17 Jun, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
sad years for this man, he left us for the real life :steamsad::csgo_despair:
kaan 5 Sep, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
+rep bad player and toxic
Ninja 5 Mar, 2022 @ 2:48pm 
gg pro player nice teammate +rep my brother
XxDarkKillerxX 29 Jul, 2020 @ 3:38pm 
good player giving advises
Rimix 9 May, 2020 @ 11:39am 
+rep bro nice play