30 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 112.6 hrs on record
Posted: 30 Jan, 2024 @ 4:10pm
Updated: 30 Jan, 2024 @ 4:21pm

After over a decade, I decided to finally give this game a shot, and I was genuinely blown away by the quality of this game. I could go on for hours about how incredible the multiplayer in this game really is, but I cannot explain the feeling I get when I play this game. So I'll just keep it relatively short.

The campaign is an extremely shallow experience. I really didn't feel any emotional attachment to the characters and the story is pretty lame. It feels like it relies more on cinematic shots and cool effects than story. It's not bad, but I definitely won't be recommending this game for the campaign.

The multiplayer. This is where this game shines like no other FPS game I've ever played. There is so many ways to play the game it feels fresh to play every single time. The sheer variety in every single map, The vehicles, the destructive environments that can change the way the entire map plays and functions, everything is so perfect when it comes to gameplay. Every weapon and class operates in an entirely different way from each other and have a huge amount of weapon and equipment options, even the vehicles have their own upgrades and completely changes how you can use them. The server browser keeps this game alive, and I've faced zero cheaters in over a hundred hours of purely multiplayer playtime.

One of my favorite things about this game is the "levolutions" where on certain maps, key structures or buildings will have a catastrophic failure, killing anyone in the vicinity and changing how those big chokepoints on the map play. The most well-known example of this is the Siege of Shanghai tower, where the entire building will collapse, and the map dynamic changes entirely. It's extremely fun to see maps feel so interactive and destructible, This feels way ahead of its time, and I wish more games would implement a feature like this, it's an extremely awesome idea and always looks spectacular.

The progression in the multiplayer is pretty fun. Some weapons, dog tags, and camos are locked behind a system called "assignments" which are challenges that require you to do specific tasks, which can range from very simple to being pretty grindy and challenging at times. There's dedicated servers purely to do assingment grinds, which I used a lot for achievements. Doing the assignments is a great way to keep progression at a steady pace and feel like you have something to always work towards every game. I enjoy systems like this, and that feeling of always working towards a big unlock is something that keeps me playing for a long long time.

The one bad thing I can say about this game is the battlepack system. This was expected for an EA published game, but it's one of the least intrusive lootbox systems I've seen in a game. It locks certain attachments behind these battlepacks, making them pure RNG whether you get them or not. Though the attachments mostly don't change how the weapon works that much, and you can get equivalent attachments by just getting kills with the weapon. You also get a battlepack every time you level up, so you'll end up getting a bunch of battlepacks and will most likely get the attachment you want anyways. You can ALSO get specific "weapon battlepacks" that will unlock after you've unlocked every kill-based attachment for a specific weapon. I'm not a big fan of the system, but it's very unintrusive and you have to earn every weapon with assignments and XP.

Overall, this is one of my favorite games of all time. The creativity that went into this game really blew me away after I sunk some hours into it. I'm still a novice player, and there is still a lot more for me to learn and discover. The community surrounding this game is sometimes toxic, but it's mostly chill from my experience. I like how servers endorse a low-toxicity environment, and has servers dedicated for players of all skill levels. Definitely give this game a try, I wish I played this game when it was more popular.
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