You- Know- Who   New Zealand
If you want to add me do to with trading then leave a comment down below i don't accept random invites that have low hours or are private!

Fav class's :D Scandavian Scottish Demoman, Super Sumatran Solider AND THE BUMBCHIOUS BOSTON SCOUT.:balloonicorn:< Alliteration Unicorn

i live in a place where sheep and whales live.... no one else :bored:

AND I LIVE IN ** :angrytiger:**

name of ** :spycon: ** live in ** :spycon: ** i love trading on tf2 and i am buying trading cards send me a offer and i will add if i am interested :spycon:

"Gary think's we should keep up with the crawl, cause they know what we are doing but they don't know that we know what their doing and pretty much no one else has a better idea..... SO F**K IT!" Nick Frost " The Worlds End" 2013 :balloonicorn:
Currently Offline
Account is now inactive, permanantly.
Espresso 29 Apr, 2015 @ 12:58pm 
I would for fun if you would like xD
swish 29 Apr, 2015 @ 12:47am 
EGGPLANT 28 Apr, 2015 @ 8:59pm 
lol is that a group yet? and i will make a new account in the mean time trying to get this one unbanned (ghost of a chance) but seriously tho lets make a group ;3
Espresso 28 Apr, 2015 @ 3:07pm 
Brah... You have now joined the VAC Ban Club :P oh yea steams amazing VAC Technology apherently does not come with a "Reverse ban" feature so you and I are stuck with them :c
You got yours in CSGO
I got mine in Black Ops II.

Also the usual solution is to make another account but thats no longer the case for me. I spent too much time building mine so Ill deal with mine but what about you??
lol 28 Apr, 2015 @ 1:37am 
Such a good player.
Dun Know why he got banned?
swish 27 Apr, 2015 @ 10:33pm 