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1 person found this review helpful
168.6 hrs on record (167.1 hrs at review time)
Game review
I got this game from my friend and I was not a big fan of turned based games. Maybe I am still not. But this game is something else. Got almost 200 hours and still would play it again. So where do I start? Gameplay - absolutely briliant. Multiple classes with tons of skills and equipment. Multiple types of missions with tons of maps. Great story missions. Just at the moment when you think okey this is getting pretty repetitive - boom some new threat apears. Multiple types of aliens, base building, researching (materials, alien autospies, alien guns, ufo components) and for my opinion great combat. You can decide what style you gonna play. Rushing with havies and assaults or spotting with assaults and executing with snipers or balanced style with every class included. It's all up to you and different types of missions require different tactics as well as enemies do.
Only downsides of this game would be maybe the cartoon graphics. I got used to it by the way and maybe kinda liked it after several walkthroughs but it might discourage you.
+ game lenght and replayability
+ every aspect of gameplay
+ awesome DLCs (enemy within makes this a completly new game)
+ enemy types
+ RPG parts

+/- voice acting = sometimes great (especially reactions of your soldiers when someone dies) but the dialogues in your base are sometimes really cringy

- graphic (maybe just for people that are really into graphics, I got used to it and dead bodies covered in blood looks good)
- some bugs (espacially with last mission. Developers really did nothing to change that and it can make you repiet that mission but I got like 2 of them during my whole almost 200h - but can't speak for other people)

Achievements review

Achievements in this game were amazing and sometimes really challenging. The game has not the achievement progress counter but you should finish all time consuming ones during your walkthroughs. Maybe for the last - the worst. You need to complete game from every starting location which mean 5 walkthroughs. If you are going to buy this game and you don't want to waste any time with aditional ones you can check my guide for this achiev.

What you need to 100%:
Glitched achievements: NO
DLCs needed: YES (all of them except the one with skins)
Only singleplayer needed: NO
Time consuming achievements: YES
Colectables achievements: NO
Multiple walkthroughs needed: YES (at least 5)
Hardest achievement: Finish game on Impossible difficulty
Time needed: 90 - 150 hours

All in all:
Game: 8/10
Achievements difficulty: 7/10
Posted 16 December, 2020. Last edited 16 December, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
231.6 hrs on record
Game review
After many years of gamming I finally found another game which feels completly different than just ''playing a game''. You can't even count how many details are in this game. From your beard growing and potions affecting your skin to variety of choices in every conversation, mission and side quest which affects whole story, your friends, you and even another quests. You can simply fail some quests or kill a person just by saying something wrong. There is no ''end'' in this game and this applies also on side quest not only main story. You create your own end during game from start and it's really great. Graphic, weather system, voice acting, enemies, cities - these all are incredible and DLCs? Heart of stone brings thrilling story with many different missions and it could be great movie I guess. And Blood and wine brings completly new map with tons of new things. It is basically Witcher 4 but it's DLC. Also gwent - a card game which is totally addicting and you find yourself just playing a game in a game for hours. Now which game does that? If Ioverlook some bugs and maybe a fighting system which looks more like dancing, this game definitely earns rating I'll give it.
+ graphic, lighting, enviroment
+ enemies, monsters
+ story, quests, missions (you create your own almost everywhere)
+ gwent card game
+ DLCs which could easilly be next game
+ small details everywhere (you kill wolves - more deers in forest, your beard grows...)
+ low price
+ replayability, tons of missions
+ voice acting (Polish's way better than english btw)

- potions and alchemy (you don't really need any of them, they could make them more important)
- fighting (looks more like dancing and you are really easy to hit while you trying to hit someone because of that, but I heard this is because of book idea and you can master your dodging and hitting after some time)
- horse (sometimes)

Achievements review
Were fun to collect. There are many hidden achvs so you better check them on internet. Create saves a lot because you need different endings sometimes. Remember to play gwent because it has lots of them. You got many kinds of them (collection, missions, difficulties,...)
What you need to 100%:
Glitched achievements: NO
Multiple walkthroughs needed: YES
Collectable achievements: YES
Time consuming achievements: NO (only crossbow headshots but it takes you like 30 minutes)
DLCs needed: YES (Blood and wine, Heart of stone)
Hardest achievement: Collect all gwent cards (easilly missable)
Time: 100-200 hours

All in all:
Game: 10/10
Achievements difficulty: 5/10
Posted 21 June, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
42.9 hrs on record (42.4 hrs at review time)
Game review:
I have to admit that I wasn't really sure whether to recommend this game or not, but than I realised it cost only 10e which surprised me cause I got it few years ago and It was more expensive. So, yes, for that money it's really worth trying and here's why. It's crytek so you can expect great graphic - wonderful for the year of release, great ingame executions and cutscenes. Faces look really great btw, almost like real people. Story was decent and without spoiler alert I can say it's very similar to Russell Crowe's Gladiator, but with many changes. I am gona stop there with positive words. Multiplayer? Meh.. just COOP for 2 where's nothing to do just few objectives and different maps. Kill some enemies, move, kill again and so on. Executions are great and there's tons of them but combar is really weird. You fight 1 guy and 10 others are just watching, sometimes one more atack you and you easilly deflect him as you got eyes on your back. Collectables are worthless and you upgrade your stuff only with XP or multiplayer gold. If you want a good cinematic game with great cutscenes and graphic with decent story - this the game, but don't expect anything else.
+ graphic
+ story
+ executions
+ cutscenes
+ price

- whole multiplayer
- collectables
- zero replayability
- sometimes FPS drops for no reason

+/- fighting

Achievements review
Achievements were really easy. Plenty of them for completing missions, than some collectables and achvs for completing game on harder difficulties. Multiplayer got lot of them too but prepare to find someone to help you cause nobody plays it. Game has achievements progress counter, it's really usefull.

What you need to 100%
Glitched achievements: NO
Only singleplayer needed: NO
Multiple walkthroughs needed: YES
Collectable achievements: YES
Time consuming achievements: YES ( multiplayer leveling, but check YT for help and you'll have it quick)
Hardest achievement: Reach level 200 in multiplayer
Time: 30 - 50 hours

All in all:
Game: 5/10
Achievements difficulty: 4/10

Posted 3 June, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
64.3 hrs on record
Game review
This game has so many opposites, that it isn't even funny. I feel like it could be game of the year but it isn't finished. For example, this is maybe the only game I played that has every location every little scavenging place or camp in the hills designed it's own way and everything seems so reall. It looks amazing but than you realize it's always the same although it looks diferent. Same enemies, same loot, same point. This goes with the story and NPCs as well. It has great haunting atmosphere and sounds are well made. It's set in terrifying post apocalyptic world where people eat another people and you really feel it, but than again you see same NPCs, same movement, same voices. I recommend it, though it could bring more.
+ graphics
+ car combat
+ atmosphere
+ sounds
+ landscape
+ enemies
+ car upgrades

- repeating voices
- repeating NPCs
- story and side missions (there could easilly be more and better)
- lack of weapons

+/- races (no big challenge)

Achievements review
Achievements in this game are pretty much do everything they want you to do, collect everything, upgrade everything and so on. It's fun at the start but may get little boring during the game. Better part is that it won't take so long.

What you need to 100%
Glitched achievements: NO
DLCs needed: NO
Multiple walkthroughs needed: NO
Collectable achievements: YES (plenty)
Time consuming achievements: YES
Hardest achievement: Up to the task (finish all non repeating challenges)
Time: 50-70 hours

All in all:
Game: 6/10
Achievements difficulty: 4/10
Posted 9 May, 2020. Last edited 9 May, 2020.
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67.5 hrs on record
Game review
JC3 is great successor of older games. We mainly see it on a graphic side but what I liked were plenty of new challenges, story [which was way better than in 1 or 2] and the new wingsuit. Flying around beautifle colorful island with Italian likeness, fighting with rebels with whom you grew up or driving sport cars which finally looks real - it was great experience. Obviously bugs, lack of physics and sometimes even game f*cked ups were on a daily list, but it would't be Just Cause as we know it.
+ story (compared to previous ones)
+ graphic
+ DLCs (great new things)
+ challenges
+ gears leveling system
+ improved grapling hook and new wingsuit

- physics
- car damage (in my opinion JC2 nailed it better)
- less fraction missions then in JC2

+/- only 1 fraction

Achievements review
Achievements in this game were pretty fun. There were some glitches but nothing a youtube couldn't handle. It got something from everything but all in all it was fun. Took me around 70 hours but might be less if you want, I didn't play it for achievs at the begining.

What you need for 100%:
Glitched achievements: YES (one or 2 challenges but search help on YT and you good)
Collectables achievements: YES (need to collect everything, DLCs don't count)
Time consuming achievements: YES (a little)
Only singleplayer needed: NO (need to beat players in challenges and feet)
DLC needed: YES (sea, land and air expansion pass)
Multiple walkthrough needed: NO
Hardest achievement: Get 5 gears in every challenge
Time needed: 40-80 hours

All in all
Game: 7/10
Achievements difficulty: 5/10
Posted 7 May, 2020. Last edited 7 May, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
20.2 hrs on record
So to be honest I played original metro 2033 a lot and it was great game so let´s compare this one to original at first. Result? This game is masterpiece. Everything, evey little detail what was pain in the ass in the original one is no longer in this game. The biggest change is graphic and whole atmosphere. It is way better than in original. Characters are no longer the same as you go through the game. They have different faces, clothes and I think also some voice actors are new (played it only in Russian dubbing yet). We got a new animations so every time you get killed (for example) there is a special animation for that. We have some new guns in this one and we can modify them in the shop just like in Last Light. We have new granade type and we chose only from our 3 guns during combar. The knife is simply used just by pressing V, which is really helpful and was really pain in the ass in the original one. There are many new places to explore during your walkthrough and they are really interesting and well designed (for example in Dead City I found a monster nest with whelp inside). Well I could talk more and more there are plenty of new and better things we have also new types of monsters but let´s finish this comparsion with these words - Metro 2033 was really awesome and Metro 2033 redux is far more than that.

+ graphic, atmosphere, animations
+ plenty of guns, plenty of modifications
+ breathtaking story
+ sound
+ 2 types of playstyle and 4 difficulties
+ monsters (well designed, terrific, powerful)

+/- achievements (too easy,no real challenge and no achievements for completeing game on hardest diff. for me as achv hunter pretty sad :( but It maight not matter to you)
+/- Yeah one thing that didn´t changed is enormous reduction of story from the book and many changes to make there more combat, but as always, you don´t give a sh*t if you didn´t read a book.

- duration of game (as always could be longer but its not real problem)

Well I compared it to original game but if you didn´t played it here is something about this game. Okey It´s Metro 2033 based on bestseller novel of Dimitri Glukovsky. Story is incredible. Nuclear was destroyed our world and last thousands of people live in Moscow metro. Stations became states, ammo became money and not letting your family, friends and yourself get killed by other people, radiation and mutants became top priority. But there is new threat.. something.. terrible, worse than anything esle. That´s all about story you need to play it and I highly recomend you to read a book first. Gameplay is on good level, you search for ammo, filters to your gas mask, new guns and fighting several factions as bandits, nazis, commies. You also fight many kinds of mutants and beast in post apocalyptic Moscow or in its metro system. The whole game has horror atmosphere and you will be afraid in few situations (mostly because of terrifying sounds) As I mentoined before Matro 2033 was really impressive piece of work, but if we look at this game from true perspective (that we can´t compare it to games like Fallout or Stalker because that is something different) If we look at this game as post apocalyptic story based first person shoter - This game is one masterpiece and best of its kind.

All in all: 95%
Posted 19 February, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
29.5 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
- duration of game (without deads about 5-6 hours)
- Multiplayer (gameplays looks awesome, but I couldn´t find any server, nobody plays it...)
- Keyboard setting (for example melee and jumping over cover is the same button)

+/- your 2 partners (sometimes very good helpers /Lugo can easy take out snipers/ but sometimes wrong AI, they can dead outside, you can´t help them etc.)
+/- Very easy achievements (Good for noobs, bad for hadcore players)

+ Story (you can decide in few parts of game what to do)
+ Weapons
+ Graphic (Apocalyptic Dubai.. ..Man... AWESOME!)
+ Dubbing and whole sound in game
+ COOP with 1 friend

This awesome 3th person game is set in apocalyptic Dubai where you take a role as Captain of 3 team soldiers and you have to find out what happened. That´s all about story, cause I don´t want show anything, but I can say that it´s great with shocking moments and some decide parts. Gameplay is on good level with lots of weapons (assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, machine guns...) and covering, running, camping system is like in Ghost Recon games. I didn´t find many negatives in this game, maybe the 1 big is sometimes your partners. They can be easy downed on open place without cover, so it´s difficult to help them, but this is a real problem only o hard difficulties.

All in all: 90%
Posted 24 January, 2015. Last edited 26 November, 2017.
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