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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 56.3 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 16 Aug, 2015 @ 6:58am
Updated: 1 Jul, 2023 @ 7:44am

Best described as turn-based "Mark of the Ninja". I've seen reviews saying that the game is too short, but I don't feel that's true. It is a game with layers of difficulty. You can make the game as difficult as you want in order to achieve bonus objectives for skill points. Often that requires playing the same level multiple times until you have that 'perfect run', which really appeals to the OCD completionist in me :). That can pad out the game length significantly (if you choose to). It also ramps up the difficulty. At some points the game gests harder than a blind lesbian's nipples in a fish market. But it never got frustrating to the point of not being FUN! The harder the challenge, the more motivating it was to beat it. I remember thinking that the first boss was IMPOSSIBLE until I had that 'ah ha!' moment and solved the problem. It was VERY satisfying. After that I felt like I was ready to take on anything the game threw at me. And it delivered!
EDIT: Well over 50 hours racked up, this is one of those games I love coming back to and playing again and again.
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