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Скорошни рецензии на 101Dominations

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228.7 изиграни часа (4.6 часа по време на рецензията)
This is one of the best games I have ever played, and that was when it managed to get accepted into a modern art museum. I would highly reccomend getting this game, the depth within it blows me away sometimes.
Публикувана 6 декември 2022.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
55.8 изиграни часа (55.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Like my ex, this game beats me every time.

Yet all the same, I come back for more.

Good game I rate it 7/10
Публикувана 27 ноември 2019.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
92.3 изиграни часа (63.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Great game, trash developers caught in a trap by an even more disgusting company.
Публикувана 16 април 2019.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
10.1 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
TL;DR: Look at the bottom of this review

SNOW, with a great relaxing feel, and a good stunts point system, this game on the surface feels like the lovechild of power-hover and tony hawk pro skater. It even has brilliant look to it, and has some great moments when you are skiing (or snowboarding) down a mountain, with stones, trees and low-poly people dashing past you like the summer holidays when you were a kid. As soon as I started the tutorial (albeit a bit hand-holding), the thought of somehow this game being bad left my mind.
But when I left the tutorial, they came back, like the embarrising and depressing thoughts of that one thing you did years ago. To say that the mountain select screen is limting would be an understatement. Although you get a skii pass for 1 mountain for 3 days, after that expires, you have the tutorial mountain, a short, easy and bland mountain after the first tutorial, and random mountain that changes every week. And as good as that one mountain may be, it won't fulfill you for a week straight. I found myself utterly bored of the mountain an hour in, and to think that that would be only source of fun in the game for the next 7 days before the next one came out disguisted me. But apart from those 3 (2 after 3 days) mountains, you get s*** else.
You (my avid reader who I applaud for getting so far in this mundane review), might now be wondering, "where's the rest of the content?"and to that I say, you have two ways of getting it. 1. you get the small (or maybe I'm just unlucky) chance of getting it in a swag pack, or 2, you cough up some money. DLC in this game is rampant, and wanting to skii down something which isn't the stupid tutorial level or a random mountain which you've explored every nook and cranny of already will require you to empty your wallet like a underage drinker looking for their fake ID on a saturday night when the cops arrive.
The only other way to get anything in this game apart from sacrificing money is swag bags, which you get from leveling up. This wouldn't be so bad if leveling up didn't require for you to grind for the greater part of half a day. I got from level 1 to only level 7 by the end of the day, and all you get from theses are just swag bags. no credits to buy something from the store from, just swag bags, which can give you the chance for credits, but will most of the time just hand you some virtual middle finger, in the form of a boot skin.
This game has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, and an urge to go get steep instead. And for all those whom hath endureth this long and tiring rant, is:

Go buy steep instead.
Публикувана 7 януари 2018.
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