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Análises recentes de SandvichClaws

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56.9 horas registradas (50.8 horas no momento da análise)
I started playing the MH series back in MH Tri on the Wii, and have played every main-series MH game since, and I've played over 500 hours in MHW (On console + steam), and 90+ hours of MHR (40 hours on switch 50 hours on pc) at time of this review.

There are a lot of things of changes that occurred in Rise to provide quality of life to ease player experiences.
Monster locations displayed on map at all times. (Reducing the amount of time taken trying to find the monster which
can be either seen as a positive/negative based on whether you liked tracking monsters, and the more
"survival/realistic" elements that previous entries had)
Increased mobility to make traveling and chasing monsters much easier. (Gives a more arcade-ish feel, but also in
some ways has lead to more "skillful" movements.
Detailed maps that after you've explored areas, you can find gathering points easier. (Honestly preferred the scoutflies
in World, but this is OK)
All of the high ranked quests in the HUB considered part of main story, up until you defeat the final boss.
(You can "finish" the story without doing the village quests, but you will miss out on a lot not doing them, also village
quests are not online?)
Quests that you can play online that have cutscenes do not prevent you from playing multiplayer (Problem from
World's release)
Increased variety of weapon attacks with the introduction of switch skills.
Crafting armor for your character gives you materials to craft the equivalent set for your palico/palimute.
They're constantly introducing new monsters to the game, just like in World, as downloadable free content you can
access in the main village.
There are also many things that I felt made the game play experience worse.
Decoration changes to reduce build flexibility, by changing many of the 1 star decorations to 2 star, melee weapons
have much less flexibility.
In engine rendered cutscenes have a 30 fps cap (Just why? If you want to tout uncapped fps, at least make it 60+
frames limit for cutscenes, going from my 144 fps to 30 fps is really jarring, and this even happens when eating)
This one is a personal issue, but when a game releases, and has 200 USD in dlc available from day 1, including many
character customization options. (They also still sell you the ability to change character appearance.)
If you played World on release grinding decorations, it's back, but even more rng in the form of Talismans, from
seeing other posts on this issue, they aren't random, and if this is the case, the amount of grind you need to do to
create some builds could be insane.
Do I recommend the game?
Yes, while I think that MHR is flawed to some extent, I do think that is a good Monster Hunter title to play, It is a game
that I would recommend as an easy introductory into the Monster Hunter Series for a casual player.
I would recommend either buying it with a group of friends, or purchasing it when its 20-30% off. (With Sunbreak
coming out this summer there will probably be a sale of the game before then)
I may come back to edit this later after grinding fully to HR 100, and playing all the weapons (I am a switchaxe/hammer main, which has many of its own problems, Switch Axe getting hit while mounting a monster, and being nowhere close to an attack), and if not then, then after Sunbreak releases to give an update.
Publicada em 22 de janeiro de 2022.
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2,845.2 horas registradas (173.6 horas no momento da análise)
Base game is "free to try", with a small amount of content. Game gets seasonal content some of which hits really well, while others can be quite the disappointment. Some parts of the seasonal content is usually free. Its worth a try to see if you like the gun play, but I would not recommend buying any of the DLC unless its on sale most of the time. Its asking for too much, and doesn't give nearly as much as it used too.
TLDR, try it if you like the gun play, and want more content, buy DLC on sale.
Publicada em 15 de novembro de 2019. Última edição em 6 de junho.
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878.3 horas registradas (774.3 horas no momento da análise)
Great Game to play when bored, personally play with mods now, hundreds of hours of content through extensions!
Publicada em 30 de junho de 2019.
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143.4 horas registradas (118.1 horas no momento da análise)
That moment when you realize the infiniteness of the universe; Thats Starbound, with its rich indepth exploration, and hugley(and randomly) generated worlds. This game never has the same exact experience everytime(Unless you have a spreadsheet of 100's of Co-ordinates). This game gives a sense of uniqueness that many other games fail to shine in comprehesion torwards the subject of almost endless expolative proportions. I Believe that Starbound should recieve a Award, in its vastley untamed universe, with its randomization of mobs, different npc's with different dialogues, and how, you never truley "Finish" the game after you beat the final "Boss." The world of Starbound is endless with possibilities, and that is what makes it Unique.
Publicada em 23 de novembro de 2016.
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