Hayden William Graham   Australia
Hey y'all!

1337feet is back baby.

Watch this space!
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Sgt. ROFLdoge 10 Mar, 2013 @ 3:32pm 
Dude I finished This book is full of spiders. 10/10 should read!
WeaselSash 16 Feb, 2012 @ 8:12pm 
Shut up and take my money
Xion 9 Oct, 2010 @ 5:51am 
nice avatar :P
1337FEET 7 Jan, 2010 @ 3:55am 
This is not but a simple fan fiction. THIS IS THE WORK OF G-MAN! For in this world of sanity and hope for the human race, a glimmer of truth shines out! Works of literacy so great so, confoundingly brilliant that no sane person can look upon their words typed of the pixel, written for no reward! For the author of these fine works of literacy asks for nothing in his quest to twist peoples minds and fill their hearts with laughter, so I humbly ask of you, the people who have ignored these Holy Works for Too Long!,To stop and see what is in front of you, think as you look upon the works of art of the struggle the author went to to write these works and be GLaD that there is Still madness in this world.
-ZarVor Lawrence, 2010
