The Yunkyard. TYRD
The Yunkyard. TYRD
3 December, 2013
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 10:25am
PHASE 5: Chapter 3: Silent times in the Hill
The Samurai gang stumbles into the gay forest while the pirate gang lurks waiting to attack like rats
Last edited by : ); 24 Oct, 2020 @ 11:10am
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: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 10:55am 
*The Shogun Shigure Nobunaga clad in black samurai armor with floating glowing red shoulder pads holding his hellish 8 legged demon horse by head, The ninja Kom'ori that still remains as a bat in a ninja's clothing on Shigure's shoulder, and the Arkonitek Fulare, a green alien that looks like an armored small frieza boy with tendrils at the back of his head and a thick tail that's slapping the floor nervously, are all standing infront of the eery woods that have some strange blue aura rising off of it.*
Shigure: Haha! Looks like we're up for a cursed woods adventure!
Fulare: In that case, wouldn't it have been better if we had brought the priest? Why'd you pick us anyways?
Shigure: Aema is a tricky foe. I'd rather go with my two allies that are not prone to going mad or be tricked easily.
Fulare: So you're saying Benkei is an easy guy to trick? Could have fooled me. The guy looks terrifying.
Shigure: No its not that... He's.. How do you say it..
Fulare: I think I can infer from your response as to why he was exiled from his religion now. He does look the part.
Shigure: Yeah, his heart's in the right place, his mind is a bit screwed off, however. NOW THEN! Off we go to get cursed! This is gonna be fun. *Shigure starts joyously stomping forward while his demon horse follows him*
Kom'ori: There has to be a better way about this...
Shigure: Nope! You've ticked me off enough today you bastard ninja. I'm going the genuine way.
Fulare: *He sighs and runs his hand through his face* Just stay sharp batman, we can get through this. *The two follow him*
Last edited by : ); 24 Oct, 2020 @ 10:55am
Perfect Pyroshark 24 Oct, 2020 @ 11:04am 
*Kesh wanders into the forest and quickly stumbles upon Aema having his arms sewn on with Voodoo's dark magic.*
Kesh: Rough time?
Aema: Shut it bounty hunter. What about you? Why have you come back here in such a sorry state?
Kesh: I need healing, I know your mushroom can heal me.
*Doovoo finishes stitching Aema's arms back on with a purple glowing thread and begins waddling over to Kesh. Aema tests out his arms.*
Aema: Stop Doovoo.
*The mushroom stops waddling*
Aema: Kesh, if I was in any other circumstance, I want you to know I wouldn't hesitate to kill you for failing me as you have.
Kesh: I understand, but its not that circumstance right now is it?
Aema: *grumbles.* No...
*Flexes his fingers.*
Aema: Hmm, a little slower than I rememeber. No matter. Doovoo, heal this idiot.
*The mushroom waddles over again and sits Kesh down on a log as a dark evil aura washes over him.*
Aema: And for the record, there are enemies all around.
Kesh: In the woods?
Aema: Yes, but the wood itself is your enemy. Only trust Doovoo. I'll be back. Doovoo, protect this idiot with your life.
*Aema vanishes in an instant, a trail of wind following his departure as he dashes through the woods trying to find the enemy and trying to remain as inconspicious as possible.*
*As the group of armor-clad samurais walk further into the woods, the fog begins to become thicker and thicker. They begin to hear the faint crying of a girl in the distance which slowly gets louder and louder until they see the silhouette of a small girl in the distance. Aema can hear it too but only because of his good ears, he still has a ways to go until reaching the others.*
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 11:43am 
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*As the group of armor-clad samurais walk further into the woods, the fog begins to become thicker and thicker. They begin to hear the faint crying of a girl in the distance which slowly gets louder and louder until they see the silhouette of a small girl in the distance. Aema can hear it too but only because of his good ears, he still has a ways to go until reaching the others.*
Shigure: *Shigure shouts at the girl* Stop crying, hell spawn!
Fulare: *Fulare flinches from this remark* I-is that really how a Shogun speaks to a little girl?
Shigure: What? That is clearly the forest’s illusion.
Fulare: Yeah but even then..
*Kom’ori readies himself by spitting a kunai and grabbing it with his hand*
Perfect Pyroshark 24 Oct, 2020 @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*As the group of armor-clad samurais walk further into the woods, the fog begins to become thicker and thicker. They begin to hear the faint crying of a girl in the distance which slowly gets louder and louder until they see the silhouette of a small girl in the distance. Aema can hear it too but only because of his good ears, he still has a ways to go until reaching the others.*
*As Doovoo and Kesh remain on their log Aema continues running through the woods, picking up on the sound, he leaps into the air and begins kicking off the tree trunks to remain hidden as he approaches.*
Originally posted by : ):
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*As the group of armor-clad samurais walk further into the woods, the fog begins to become thicker and thicker. They begin to hear the faint crying of a girl in the distance which slowly gets louder and louder until they see the silhouette of a small girl in the distance. Aema can hear it too but only because of his good ears, he still has a ways to go until reaching the others.*
Shigure: *Shigure shouts at the girl* Stop crying, hell spawn!
Fulare: *Fulare flinches from this remark* I-is that really how a Shogun speaks to a little girl?
Shigure: What? That is clearly the forest’s illusion.
Fulare: Yeah but even then..
*Kom’ori readies himself by spitting a kunai and grabbing it with his hand*
*The little girl tries to hide (poorly) and the cry turns into a sob as she tries to stay quiet so that the pack of wild samurais don't cut her down*
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:17pm 
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
Originally posted by : ):
Shigure: *Shigure shouts at the girl* Stop crying, hell spawn!
Fulare: *Fulare flinches from this remark* I-is that really how a Shogun speaks to a little girl?
Shigure: What? That is clearly the forest’s illusion.
Fulare: Yeah but even then..
*Kom’ori readies himself by spitting a kunai and grabbing it with his hand*
*The little girl tries to hide (poorly) and the cry turns into a sob as she tries to stay quiet so that the pack of wild samurais don't cut her down*
Fulare: Oh for the love of-
Shigure: Hahaha! This is like one of those horror movies my brother told me about! *Shigure proceeds forwards to the girl, his terrifying demon mask that hides his face along with his armor rattles as he’s laughing with muffled voice* Alright, turn into a monster, it’s gonna be funny!
Perfect Pyroshark 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:19pm 
*Aema continues to stay in the treetops and stay incognito.*
A: I doubt any of those honourbound idiots cry like little girls, so this has to be the work of the woods. Which means I'm subject to their illusions even if I'm not the focus. So I'll just have to figure out how to deal with these idiots as quickly as possible, in and out. Should be easy enough
Originally posted by : ):
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*The little girl tries to hide (poorly) and the cry turns into a sob as she tries to stay quiet so that the pack of wild samurais don't cut her down*
Fulare: Oh for the love of-
Shigure: Hahaha! This is like one of those horror movies my brother told me about! *Shigure proceeds forwards to the girl, his terrifying demon mask that hides his face along with his armor rattles as he’s laughing with muffled voice* Alright, turn into a monster, it’s gonna be funny!
*The girl cowers in fear as she hears Shigure's armor rattling. She takes a glance at the samurai as his shadow looms over her and sees his devil mask. She shrieks in fear, closes her eyes and anticipates the worst.*
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:35pm 
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
Originally posted by : ):
Fulare: Oh for the love of-
Shigure: Hahaha! This is like one of those horror movies my brother told me about! *Shigure proceeds forwards to the girl, his terrifying demon mask that hides his face along with his armor rattles as he’s laughing with muffled voice* Alright, turn into a monster, it’s gonna be funny!
*The girl cowers in fear as she hears Shigure's armor rattling. She takes a glance at the samurai as his shadow looms over her and sees his devil mask. She shrieks in fear, closes her eyes and anticipates the worst.*
Shigure: Hm. Fulare, you’re good with people, play along with the curse until it goes into a monster.
*Shigure steps back and leans on a tree*
Fulare: What am I, some kinda pawn?
Ugh whatever. *Fulare walks over to the little girl and crouches down before untying his tendril hair as his tendrils spring up to the sides and his face changes a bit to look like a cute Axolotl* Hey there lady. We’re actually heroes sent from far far away to save you from the spooky forest, don’t mind the idiot in the armor.
Shigure: Ahahah!
Originally posted by : ):
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*The girl cowers in fear as she hears Shigure's armor rattling. She takes a glance at the samurai as his shadow looms over her and sees his devil mask. She shrieks in fear, closes her eyes and anticipates the worst.*
Shigure: Hm. Fulare, you’re good with people, play along with the curse until it goes into a monster.
*Shigure steps back and leans on a tree*
Fulare: What am I, some kinda pawn?
Ugh whatever. *Fulare walks over to the little girl and crouches down before untying his tendril hair as his tendrils spring up to the sides and his face changes a bit to look like a cute Axolotl* Hey there lady. We’re actually heroes sent from far far away to save you from the spooky forest, don’t mind the idiot in the armor.
Shigure: Ahahah!
*As Fulare goes to talk to the girl he is surprised to find she is an Arkonitek too. Through tears, she recognizes Fulare immediately. The girl wipes away her tears with the sleeves of her shirt and beams up*

"Y-You are Fulare!"

*What initially was a sobbing mess now looks in awe at the hero standing in front of her*

"You can save me, right? I want to go back home."
Perfect Pyroshark 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:49pm 
*Aema keeps to the treetops but he's covered the distance now with his super speed, with everyone distracted he keeps quiet and watches from on high. The first thing he notes is the appearances of his enemies. He tries to spot if there's any extremeties he can pull off like hair or a piece of horn or tendril. Has to be organic though for the plan to work, much harder to use armour.*
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:54pm 
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
Originally posted by : ):
Shigure: Hm. Fulare, you’re good with people, play along with the curse until it goes into a monster.
*Shigure steps back and leans on a tree*
Fulare: What am I, some kinda pawn?
Ugh whatever. *Fulare walks over to the little girl and crouches down before untying his tendril hair as his tendrils spring up to the sides and his face changes a bit to look like a cute Axolotl* Hey there lady. We’re actually heroes sent from far far away to save you from the spooky forest, don’t mind the idiot in the armor.
Shigure: Ahahah!
*As Fulare goes to talk to the girl he is surprised to find she is an Arkonitek too. Through tears, she recognizes Fulare immediately. The girl wipes away her tears with the sleeves of her shirt and beams up*

"Y-You are Fulare!"

*What initially was a sobbing mess now looks in awe at the hero standing in front of her*

"You can save me, right? I want to go back home."
*He ties his hair back*
Shigure: W-woah! I could have sworn it was just a normal human girl.
Kom’ori: The woods play with our minds.
Fulare: Of course. Stay with me and as soon as I save the rest of the galaxy you’re on your way home *he smiles to her* How long do I have to keep playing with this brat... What clan are you from? *Fulare uses his intermediate control of Mana to block out any information from his brain that may be used by the forest*
: ) 24 Oct, 2020 @ 12:57pm 
Originally posted by Petrifying Pyroshark:
*Aema keeps to the treetops but he's covered the distance now with his super speed, with everyone distracted he keeps quiet and watches from on high. The first thing he notes is the appearances of his enemies. He tries to spot if there's any extremeties he can pull off like hair or a piece of horn or tendril. Has to be organic though for the plan to work, much harder to use armour.*
Kom’ori: A disturbance in the chakra.
Shigure: Yeah yeah hold on I wanna watch this.
*Kom’ori starts sending sonar waves across the wide area*
Originally posted by : ):
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*As Fulare goes to talk to the girl he is surprised to find she is an Arkonitek too. Through tears, she recognizes Fulare immediately. The girl wipes away her tears with the sleeves of her shirt and beams up*

"Y-You are Fulare!"

*What initially was a sobbing mess now looks in awe at the hero standing in front of her*

"You can save me, right? I want to go back home."
*He ties his hair back*
Shigure: W-woah! I could have sworn it was just a normal human girl.
Kom’ori: The woods play with our minds.
Fulare: Of course. Stay with me and as soon as I save the rest of the galaxy you’re on your way home *he smiles to her* How long do I have to keep playing with this brat... What clan are you from? *Fulare uses his intermediate control of Mana to block out any information from his brain that may be used by the forest*

Originally posted by : ):
Originally posted by nut around the corner:
*As Fulare goes to talk to the girl he is surprised to find she is an Arkonitek too. Through tears, she recognizes Fulare immediately. The girl wipes away her tears with the sleeves of her shirt and beams up*

"Y-You are Fulare!"

*What initially was a sobbing mess now looks in awe at the hero standing in front of her*

"You can save me, right? I want to go back home."
*He ties his hair back*
Shigure: W-woah! I could have sworn it was just a normal human girl.
Kom’ori: The woods play with our minds.
Fulare: Of course. Stay with me and as soon as I save the rest of the galaxy you’re on your way home *he smiles to her* How long do I have to keep playing with this brat... What clan are you from? *Fulare uses his intermediate control of Mana to block out any information from his brain that may be used by the forest*
"I come from the earth god clan. Umm, by the way Mr. Fulare, do you know how we got here? I've been walking around this strange place aimlessly until I got stuck in this forest. It's really scary..."
Last edited by nut around the corner; 24 Oct, 2020 @ 1:40pm
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