The Yunkyard. TYRD
The Yunkyard. TYRD
3 December, 2013
ABOUT The Yunkyard.

Randomness Inbound.

Once apon a time, there was a man named Bambi (Err Catbug). Bambi had tried to join the Heavy mafia, and after alot of mad events, the Yunkyard was created. A path was set for 5 Drunken friends, Bambi, Pyroshark, Kabewm,Pootis and Sawtooth.
Contless events happened, from traveling to the future, to pootis begging to play WoW and a countless amount of pokemon battles. Wishes were made, and hopes sank. People fought and people died, only to be reussrected by some unkown means. Then more events happened, but more sense, from defeating teh 2nd doctor with a rollercoaster megazord, to finding out Pootis used to be a wizard. Today is our 5000th era, but we never stop posting untill were the largest.
Random.....Random never changes...... Randomness Inbound.

The lord your god Pyroshark here and it has come to my attention that rules are required.
  • Do not spam posts
  • Do not posts walls of texts, links, nothingness
  • Do not edit other people's posts for no good reason
  • In any clashes do not act completely overpowered and without a good enough reason or acceptance from the opponent one hit ko's are banned
  • In serious events or tournaments a moveset is required. Post one of these in the Original Characters thread
  • In serious events or tournaments please post one post and only after your opponent has posted his/hers, to avoid confusion
  • If you are really gonna do any adult stuff (mainly sexy time things so don't worry Hakks your NSFW gorefest of a character is allowed) please keep that in the Adult Yunkyard thread
  • In character creation anything goes, do what you want
  • Creation of a new character with the title of OP or a boss leveled character (basically anything uber powerful) must be talked about with any admins of the group (mainly myself or Pootis) to see if it is acceptable for use.

    I think that's it? If I missed anything or I should enforce a new one inform me.

    Yunkyard TF2 Server -
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Hope you're having a nice day today c:
Pyroshark Yet to Stop Kris's Reign of Terror
The Yunkyard. reviews
"The Yunkyard recomends the sort of games we like. As a group of English speaking morons, we won't recomend many games. Expect nothing of us."
Here are a few recent reviews by The Yunkyard.
Cobol 7 Dec, 2017 @ 4:50am 
: ) 21 Jul, 2017 @ 3:49pm 
My spider senses are tingling
Kirin 7 Mar, 2017 @ 5:13pm 
Get out of here nerds.
Grey Star, The Rival Defender 7 Mar, 2017 @ 5:12pm 
DM = Direct Message
PM = Private Message
IM = Instant Message

Make up your mind internet.
Kirin 17 Feb, 2017 @ 8:54pm 
Is it anything like a BM?
Kirin 17 Feb, 2017 @ 8:54pm 
What does DM even mean.