The informative invite Ironicnsad
The informative invite Ironicnsad
28 May, 2015
United States 
ABOUT The informative invite

Welcome Toxic gamers and idiots!

If you got invited to this group it's because of one or many of the following reasons for each game.

Read all of this for your own benefit and improve yourself.

Dota 2:

#1: You fed.
#2: You're an idiot.
#3: You're a mic spammer with an awful voice.
#4: You have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea what you're talking about ie: items, strategies.
#5: You're not game aware. ie: you scream for help when I am out of mana.
#6: You're an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
#7: You're a ping spammer.
#8: You picked last and chose carry instead of support.
#9: You picked support yet refused to buy wards or courier.
#10: You wait refusing to attack so you can kill shot.
#11: You farm all day while we lose the game.
#12: You ask for ganks from a mid who was forced to buy support items.
#13: You think you're good but you're not even average.
#14: You talk a lot of trash. Usually can't back it up with skill.
#15: You stir drama over nothing.
#16: You rage over the most trivial matters.
#17: You act as if you're better than God.
#18: You trash talk someone outplaying you by a mile.
#19: You freak out over a 20 second afk even when someone is dead.
#20: You reported someone of value after YOU started the drama/fight.
#21: You immediately call someone an idiot for their strategy instead of asking them to explain it.
#22: Without asking they attempt to explain it and you dismiss it as stupid without hearing them out.
#23: You have over 500 hours and yet you still don't understand basic or complex strategies/roles in the game.
#24: You are negative, never positive which would support and help your team win.
#25: You troll, grief, or intentionally feed.
#26: You abandon too soon or give up too soon.


#1: You mic spammed. Typically nerdy or annoying type voice.
#2: You rage easily and blame others.
#3: You have no map awareness and blame others.
#4: You blame your team for not going along with your moronic strategy.
#5: You initiate vote kicks over trivial matters in competitive matchmaking.
#6: You mocked your teammates causing them to play worse.
#7: You harassed your team often making them play worse.
#8: You afked on pistol round.
#9: You afk continually.
#10: You trash talk.
#11: You think you're great but you're just average.
#12: You stole the bomb defuse without earning it.
#13: You rage on someone for using a weapon you don't like.
#14: You are not positive. Give up too soon, too negative.
#15: You always yell on mic after you die about how it was BS.
#16: You're a whiny ♥♥♥♥♥.
#17: You're terrible, less than 5 kills, more than 20 deaths.
#18: You got carried to your rank and are costing everyone else the match.
#19: You got lucky with your rank and don't deserve it.
#20: You blamed lag when your ping is 20.
#21: You blame FPS when you're just bad.
#22: You abandoned without just cause. You give up too soon.
#23: You're an idiot, sadly one that talks too much.
#24: Your profile pic is disgusting or sad.
#25: You troll or grief.

That covers the list for now.
Needs more salt
76561197964696062 22 Jan @ 3:21am 
are you guys aware you have an actual chinese scamming hacker in your group ? the player known as "分行李,回高老庄" is trolling the turbo games feeding and afk botting for over 40 minutes. Toxic dog.typical china
Rylai Inverse 24 Aug, 2017 @ 2:59pm 
gg group dead, can no longer invite non friends. :steamsad:
Rylai Inverse 23 Apr, 2017 @ 6:17am 
There was no rage, just me pointing out how stupid you idiots are.
Jaeger[Herald Hero] 23 Apr, 2017 @ 1:46am 
You were the one raging, bub. You need some help
Jaeger[Herald Hero] 23 Apr, 2017 @ 1:46am 
Lol juicy is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Rylai Inverse 27 Mar, 2017 @ 6:19am 
Looks like we got another mental ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with exceptionally poor reading comprehension. I created this group to invite idiots who rage and do stupid things. You're just another ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to me. Get mad, tell lies, I don't give a ♥♥♥♥. In fact I think its hilarious.
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28 May, 2015
United States