"Whatever It Takes" - DayZ Survivors whatitakes
"Whatever It Takes" - DayZ Survivors whatitakes
18 August, 2014
ABOUT "Whatever It Takes" - DayZ Survivors

Why Am I Here?

Hey guys! Thanks for joining my group! Let me explain the purpose of this group:

I created this group because I really want to start meeting and playing with new people, especially subscribers to my YouTube channel! Sadly, It's very difficult to constantly be updating 15+ people on my location in DayZ so they can join me, so here's my plan:

Whenever I hop onto DayZ, I will post my location, along with my plans for that session, via announcement through this group. You are free to meet up with me, hold me up, and even hunt me down and kill me. Whatever floats your boat. I also want this group to be the start of a community, where players can come together and play with each other, not just me! All play styles are welcome.

You should join this group if:

- You are willing to respond to other people's help requests
- You like making new friends with similar play styles as yourself
- You enjoy teamwork
- You are a friendly person (And I don't mean "friendly" in DayZ, I mean friendly as a human being)
- You speak English
- You play DayZ. (duh).

You should NOT join this group if:

- You don't play well with others
- You just want to be in a YouTube video
- You ONLY want to play with Alamist
- Don't speak English
- Don't have DayZ
- Are not willing, under any circumstances, to help other group members in need

Please understand that I do have school and other responsibilities that take priority over gaming, and for me to be able to have this "open profile" with my subsribers, I need you all to work with me and respect me by not message spaming me about DayZ or other related topics.

My personal times when I am online are between 6:00pm and 11:00pm PST so feel free to ask me questions or leave comments.

Thanks for reading everybody. Stay alive, stay safe, and most of all, have fun!

Twitch - Alamist[]
Twitch - Kokopuffs[]
Youtube - Alamist
The Return Of Alamist
🌌⭐Abyssal⭐🌌 12 May, 2015 @ 11:13am 
2015 Toyota Corolla LE Eco 7 May, 2015 @ 8:25pm 
Hey survivors. I play DayZ a lot. Does anyone want to tag along on an adventure?
ghoulio 5 Mar, 2015 @ 11:11am 
Hey-O fellow survivors, would anyone be interested to join me and a group of other survivors (IRL Friends) on looting, RP'ing and having a good time, currently we're located on Prison Island! message me or add me if you'd want too! thanks!!
Slapstick Comedy 22 Feb, 2015 @ 2:33pm 
Hey, almost everytime I play dayz and try to be nice and make friends to help each other we all end up shooting each other. And usually I die, so it would be nice to have a good group of people. If you anybody is interested just message me. Cheers, Cheerio, Bye bye, asta la vista, goodbye, seeya next time, (whatever).

Ash RJ MacReady 19 Feb, 2015 @ 9:11am 
Yea Fox, it's a good idea to go with the view that you don't trust anyone. Only friends of people you know well should be the people you group up with.

Hopefully we can all meet some new people here. Even if the group doesn't seem as active, there are always those few who check in looking for updates.
TaintedTatertot 16 Feb, 2015 @ 2:01pm 
Hey AJ, been lookin for ppl to play with on DayZ. I'll happily join you. just hit me up
Enter chat room
18 August, 2014