WarWolves =(w)=
WarWolves =(w)=
14 August, 2010
United States 
ABOUT WarWolves

=(w)= War-Wolves


► OFFICERS: WILL ALWAYS HAVE =(w)= in front of their name.

►NOTE: OUR =(w)= CLAN TAG is not required to join this group, (Only mandatory to be picked as a moderator or promoted to officer.) Members not online more than 90 days will be kicked, sorry.

MODERATORS are picked for your gaming skills.
We accept all friendships and defend you as we do our allies.

We do NOT Cheat or Hack ever.
If you do, this group is not for you.

► A =(w)= in front of your name WILL BE considered for promotions.


THE =(w)= War-Wolves CREED

I am a gaming soldier. A professional!
I will do all that the War-Wolves require of me.
I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.
I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me.
I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of all I am
- in all I do.

I will teach and fight wherever the War-Wolves require.
I will strive always, to excel in every art and artifice of gaming war.
I know that I will be called upon to perform tasks
in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices,
with the help and guidance of my God.
I will keep my mind and body clean, alert and strong,
for this is my debt to those who depend upon me.

I will not fail those with whom I serve.
I will not bring shame upon myself or the War-Wolves.
I will maintain myself, my arms, and my equipment
in an immaculate state as befits a War-Wolves soldier.
I will never surrender though I be the last.
If I am taken, I pray that I may have the strength to spit upon my enemy.

My goal is to succeed in any mission
- and live to succeed again.
I am a member of the War-Wolves chosen soldiery.
God grant that I may not be found wanting,
that I will not fail this sacred trust.

► =(w)=JB aka "Golden-Wolf" (GROUP FOUNDER/OWNER)

► RESPECT and Defend our ALLIES in all games.

► ADD =(w)= in front of your name for consideration of promotions.

Join me on Facebook[]
JB Power Wash[]
Kaius 31 Dec, 2011 @ 5:04pm 
dude i have read the creed of the clan and i love the moto for teh group !! I am a us army vet and was a # 1 m60 gunner myself and had the moto always to adapt and over come never surneder and never give up . Sucess comes in CANS not CAN'TS , tell me i cant and ill show you i can tell me i wont let me show you i will , only limit is that i put on myself , there for teh sky is the limit my friends drive on and over come all odds !! hooooraaa!!!
JazzyDOTexe 28 Dec, 2011 @ 6:08am 
thx for the invite <3