Tsagualsan Warzone WHWarzone
Tsagualsan Warzone WHWarzone
8 червня 2021 р.
ПРО Tsagualsan Warzone

Find players to play forgotten WH40k/WHFB games with or share your ideas, mods and discoveries

The purpose of this group is to enable WH40k/WHFB players to find people to play WH40k/WHFB games with, share their ideas, mods and discoveries, start and organize events, and to promote content relating to all this. You are allowed to self-promote as long as your content is related to WH40k/WHFB.

Stuff relating to mainstream Warhammer 40k or Warhammer Fantasy like Total War or Dawn of War series is allowed as well.

Important links
Our Discord Server[discord.gg]
Our Steam Forums
Our Steam Curator page

Find players to play games with
Are you looking for players but chat is not permanent enough for you? Post in our monthly advertisement thread, say what you're looking for (buddies to grind unlocks with, etc) and other players will add you!
Link to the discussion forum here (look for the most recent "Post here to find players" thread:

Follow our curator page
We will post official game reviews on our curator page, in hopes that we can shed light on old and forgotten Warhammer games!

Our Discord
Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/5WSJdjCwEF

Non-English threads, content, events, mods etc
Please tag all non-English content with the appropriate country tag at the start of the post or comment for easy searchability. The tag should be in brackets. So for Russian for example it should look like this: [RU] or (RU)

Self promotion
You are free to promote any groups, discords, channels, videos, mods, etc as long as it is related to Warhammer 40k or Warhammer Fantasy.

Stuff not relating to WHFB or WH40k
You are not allowed to share any content or anything not relating to WHFB or WH40k. You are allowed to discuss unrelated stuff in steam chat if people are interested but not to create discussion pages. If you are spamming / bringing things up that people don't care about, we will warn you before banning you permanently.
Space marine lobby starting, join group chat to join the game!
Space marine lobby starting, join group chat to join the game!
Рецензії від Tsagualsan Warzone
"Warhammer games, whether Fantasy or 40k. Follow us to find out what gems you have been missing out, and join our Steam group to play with us!"
Ось декілька останніх рецензій від Tsagualsan Warzone
Коментарів: 8
[TH-I] Zso 12 берез. 2023 о 7:59 
Discord link works for me, was it this one? https://discord.gg/5WSJdjCwEF
Sev3nBelow 11 берез. 2023 о 18:16 
hey all, looking to play some space marine multiplayer for achievements - discord link is invalid
[TH-I] Zso 17 листоп. 2022 о 3:10 
Are you looking for players but chat is not permanent enough for you? Post in our monthly advertisement thread, say what you're looking for (buddies to grind unlocks with, etc) and other players will add you! Link to the discussion forum here (look for the most recent "Post here to find players" thread:
[TH-I] Zso 10 серп. 2022 о 1:39 
We used to, and we will now again. Join the Discord, we will start scheduling games again!
A Grey Knight 30 квіт. 2022 о 12:42 
heard you guys did dreadnought assault?
LowFatMilk 26 груд. 2021 о 4:17 
Thanks! I work varying shift work so I'll jump on when I can