Team-Oriented Players TA TOP TA
Team-Oriented Players TA TOP TA
27 April, 2012
ABOUT Team-Oriented Players TA

With the recent slump in CTF PUB game quality, I propose good-hearted team-oriented players (TOP) form a circle (or a clan if you like) simply by offering their names and allow others to follow them. If the size of the circle grows then it should be easy to join others through in-game join friends function to enhance the quality of the games. This is not aimed to be a circle for top skilled players but for good team players in general, and welcome people of all skill levels.

To foster good team play and improve the enjoyment of CTF PUB games by generally being a good player as per the code of conduct below.

TOP Code of conduct:
1. Plays active role in flag defense: HoF, TCN repairer/farmer, Chaser
2. Do not lamma grab unless in desparate situations, e.g. enemy flag carrier about to score
Assist and guard fellow cappers, including clearing flag stand, defend them once they taken the flag
3. DMB only -- DO NOT attempt to return flag that is even 50m away as a DMB, leave that to your teammates (unless there is absolutely no one available) and stand near the flag stand. Otherwise suicide to get back quicker.
4. Do not scramble to return flag just for the points if flag hungs a wall or in a sheltered position. Defend that position instead (Flag will eventually return itself after a timer). Even if flag is in open field, observe flag stand is well defended (e.g. HoF present) and clear of enemies before returning it.
5. Respect others and do not insult others in chat.
7. Provides useful team communication for intel and your intentions at appropiate times with the VGS system, e.g. VSAF/VFF VAW if you are going to cap the flag, VBE to warn enemies inside base, VWE for incomming flag cappers, spot high priority enemies targets with Alt key, many more.
8. Not afraid to put forward strategies in team chat and be able to coordinate attacks
9. Actively upgrade base assets, especially radar (often undervalued)
10. Repair base assets, deployables (e.g. forcefields) and friendly vehicles if needed
10. Refrain from calling in orbital strikes just to get kills rather than its strategic value, e.g. clearing heavily defended flag stand. (In many cases tactical strikes are better for flag stand clearing.)
11. Call in supply drops in assesible places for teammates
Mine the flag stand (SEN, DMB, INF even TCN [motion sensor]) and replace actively if mine destroyed.
13. Deploy turrets, sensor jammers etc which covers the flag stand at optimal places. See guides like A TCN's Guide - Intelligent Turret Placement by Trilandian
14. Join in to aid of teammates when they are in a duel and you do not have a higher priority objective such as chasing the enemy flag carrier.
15. Do not switch team if your own team is losing, but try to switch team if you are highly skilled and your team is doing far better than the other team.
16. Try to look at what roles/classes your team lacks and fulfill those roles and not afriad to go out of your comfort zone to do so.

Opening Discussion on Tribes Ascend forums[]
A TCN's Guide - Intelligent Turret Placement by Trilandian[]
[Video Tutorial] Fundamentals of CTF Strategy[]
PATCH DAY! (Tartarus Update)
VoIP Tips: Setting up hotkeys to change sub-channels within mumble
Jais 7 Sep, 2012 @ 5:50pm 
Name is BananaSmack in game, feel free to add me to friends any one. I normally play Raider and focus on taking out enemy structures. I like Tech as my secondary role and Jug. I am also willing to play any role required of me.
Luissen 28 Aug, 2012 @ 6:05am 
Heya. IGN is LuissenFantan, and I'm predominantly TCN in NA E/W (ping sucks equally on both)
Zenmuse 1 Aug, 2012 @ 12:54pm 
New member. TCN, DMB or RDR on the NA-West
Mond 29 Jun, 2012 @ 10:44am 
Hello everyone! IGN: MauriGun-server:NA East-Main class:Juggernaut
Cyklick 24 May, 2012 @ 2:21pm 
new member! Hi.
IGN Cyklick
I play random stuff, lately seem to be HoF'in with the DMB. East Coast, because its closer.
pod 21 May, 2012 @ 11:32am 
Enter chat room
27 April, 2012