Toon-Occupied SOE TOSoE
Toon-Occupied SOE TOSoE
28 de mayo de 2015
Adrian 28 MAY 2015 a las 15:47
New RP Ideas
If you have a new RP idea, give it to me here. Be as descriptive and detailed as possible.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 47 comentarios
Gondorian Archer 28 MAY 2015 a las 16:37 
Naval prison...? It's like prison... But on a ship. Would it be possible to modify ships so that they have a prison on them? If not we can have two different ships, a guard ship and prison ship. The prisoner ship holds all the prisoners along with 3 guards. 2 for guarding the captain and 1 for driving the ship. The guard ship contains the rest of the guards and stays close to the prison ship in case a revolt starts. I think its a good idea....
Matt 29 MAY 2015 a las 14:42 
Assassination RP? One team is UK and one team is Russia. Russia is footguards and one person is the General class. The UK has like 2/5 or 1/5 idk of the people on the server. UK is rifleman, and on the map there is like a forest path (A road with a forest on either side of it with bushes), and like a town and whatever. So the General starts on the opposite side of the path, on the opposite side of the town. The General starts heading towards the town, escorted by his guards. The UK try to assassinate the general. If they are seen they can be shot by the guards, but can run away as well. Unless the guards see the assassins, they cant leave the escort. The general keeps walking down the path until he reaches the town, in which the escort wins. If the assassins assassinate the general, they have to run back to a specific house in the town. If they make it, they win. But the general's escort, after the generals death, can chase after the assassins and fire on them. That is Assassination RP.

(On Andzi's Quatras Bre (Day) Map)
Última edición por Matt; 20 JUL 2015 a las 19:30
Adrian 22 JUN 2015 a las 19:36 
good idea good idea, but we already have that RP, it's called Slender
GenericName 6 JUL 2015 a las 20:34 
Title: Peasants War RP.
Gamemode: Commander Battle
Factions: Russia and any other factions.
Rules: Only 1 person goes on Russia and they must be Partizan. They act as citizens in a revolt standing by. Depending on future thought, this can be like Town and all classes must hold fire until the designated revolt time with War and Peace like negotiations. The other team cannot be any form of cavalry except Dragoons. (But they must dismount before entering combat.) They cannot be any form of artillery either.
Misc. Preferably, this will be used with around 10 players, but if the lag is too much, the admins can set the bots per squad to much lower. The buttons to tell your troops to hold fire are either F3 + F2 (Only press once) or F4 + F1. If players cannot command their troops, tell them to press 0.

Any questions?
Definitely A Tree 7 JUL 2015 a las 11:29 
Publicado originalmente por Procrastinator Calphus:
Title: Peasants War RP.
Gamemode: Commander Battle
Factions: Russia and any other factions.
Rules: Only 1 person goes on Russia and they must be Partizan. They act as citizens in a revolt standing by. Depending on future thought, this can be like Town and all classes must hold fire until the designated revolt time with War and Peace like negotiations. The other team cannot be any form of cavalry except Dragoons. (But they must dismount before entering combat.) They cannot be any form of artillery either.
Misc. Preferably, this will be used with around 10 players, but if the lag is too much, the admins can set the bots per squad to much lower. The buttons to tell your troops to hold fire are either F3 + F2 (Only press once) or F4 + F1. If players cannot command their troops, tell them to press 0.

Any questions?

That sounds really funny actually XD Maybe something to try in a lull of people, or at night when few are on as it sound more like a battle than an rp thing.
Dankan37 7 JUL 2015 a las 20:54 
Diplomatic RP.

There are 2 factions like"Uk and Russia" (Conquest mode)
map is random generated (?) or a custom map with house and forts.

The point of the RP is to conquer a land each faction has a leader and a 2ic you can get the land in many ways:Conquering with weapons,trade it for weapons or exchange it for prisoner.
When you have done so you have greenlight to capture the flag.
In the RP there are some "Marked" roles:
Courier:Flag bearer he can send message to enemy faction (Must travel)
Campain General: (Napoleon,Wellington....) he gives order to his faction if he is captured or killed game ends.
Engineer: Sapper
Recoon: Rifle or LightInf he has the duty to sabotate enemy army,or attack long range.
Citizien: Sailor or Partizani and indipendent role who can decide who join.

Before you start a battle you can deploy your men or ask sapper to create field fortifications,.
SirPhineasTinklebot 7 JUL 2015 a las 21:16 
Sounds like a more elaborate War/Peace, is that what you intend? Nothing wrong with it
Dankan37 7 JUL 2015 a las 21:53 
Publicado originalmente por Sir Phineas Tinklebot:
Sounds like a more elaborate War/Peace, is that what you intend? Nothing wrong with it

Basically its a W/P but with more mechanics.
GenericName 7 JUL 2015 a las 22:28 
How do we know if our RP was chosen?
SirPhineasTinklebot 8 JUL 2015 a las 12:43 
I'll add it to the RP/Map list
the.vape.ape 11 JUL 2015 a las 21:38 
some type of mafia rp where like a fifth of the russians r mafia and they do mafia stuff
GenericName 11 JUL 2015 a las 22:23 
Publicado originalmente por Nbrad:
some type of mafia rp where like a fifth of the russians r mafia and they do mafia stuff
We're gonna need way more detail than that.
SirPhineasTinklebot 11 JUL 2015 a las 22:42 
Publicado originalmente por Nbrad:
some type of mafia rp where like a fifth of the russians r mafia and they do mafia stuff
To be honest, this seems more like something that people might do during town rp. It'd be senseless to try and enforce that.
GenericName 11 JUL 2015 a las 22:55 
Publicado originalmente por Sir Phineas Tinklebot:
Publicado originalmente por Nbrad:
some type of mafia rp where like a fifth of the russians r mafia and they do mafia stuff
To be honest, this seems more like something that people might do during town rp. It'd be senseless to try and enforce that.
No, we could have this as a seperate RP. There could be 3 factions, Mafia, Citizens, and Guards. It is the Mafia's job to kill all the citizens and guards. The citizen's job is to exterminate the Mafia, just like the Guards. However, both Citizen and Guard need reasons to attack a Mafia member. The reasons will be different per faction. Mafia doesn't need a reason to kill somebody, but they can only do so after (insert time here). The Mafia would be militia, the Citizens would be Partizans, and Guards are whatever. The map would be something like a large city. Arabian Harbour? The gamemode would have to be deathmatch, so that a Citizen can't just walk up to a guy and say "He's the murderer!" because he knew his name.
Frangloid 16 JUL 2015 a las 10:52 
I have a budy in a regiment who is gonna make a normandy beach d-day map and I can pass u guys the map to make a D-day invasion roleplay
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