TITANFALL (unofficial) Titanfall
TITANFALL (unofficial) Titanfall
11 June, 2013
ABOUT TITANFALL (unofficial)

From the original developers of Call of Duty

Infinity Ward was founded by 22 former employees of 2015, Inc, makers of Medal of Honor Allied Assault in 2002
They later created Call of Duty
On March 1st 2010, Head developers of Infinity Ward, Jason West and Vince Zampella were fired by Activision
There were 2 reasons for that
1)Their Roaylties for MW2.They should have gotten ~13 million each
2)Jason West and Vince Zampella thought it was absurd that Infinity Ward, the holder of CoD license had less CoD games then Treyarch

They later sued Activision with a help of EA, and got 42 million $, unfortunately, they could not get the CoD License

Later 46 Employees of Infinity Ward left. There are about ~75 employees in Respawn Entertainment, 38 of them are from Infinity Ward
Here are a few of them
1)Jon Shiring - programmer, worked in IW for 5 years
2)Mackey McCandlish - designer, worked in IW for 8 years
3)Todd Alderman - multiplayer designer for Call of Duty 1,2,4,6
4)Mark Grigsby - animator, worked in IW for 5 years
5)John Paul Messerly - animator, worked in IW for 8 years
6)Chris Cherubini - artist;animator
7)Rayme Vinson - programmer
8)Brent McLeod - designer
9)Chris Lambert - programmer
10)Preston Glenn - level designer
11)Zied Reike - designer
12)Chad Grenier - designer
13)Sean Slayback - designer, worked for 1.5 years in IW
14)Kristin Cotterell - Human Resources Generalist

4th March 2013 - Jason West left Respawn Entertainment
"Jason has left Respawn to take care of some family issues. We have worked together on some amazing accomplishments over the years, starting with an early Segasoft project that never shipped. It is sad to see things come to an end, but there are times when change is best for growth, both personally and professionally. I wish Jason the best and send my best wishes to his family. Respawn continues to amaze me, the team here is resilient and talented. E3 will be therapeutic for us, as we finally get to start showing our work again. I know the team was excited about the response we got from just admitting we were going to attend.


"And now comes the second call for Fall. . .

Lumbering shadows have quietly been moving. The fall gives rise to pilots once again. No other calling of duty comes close when true titanic steel walks the battlefield without holding back. Your future tied to walking steel stands before you.

- Bangcat"

Respawn Entertainment[]
Titanfall's Youtube Channel
TALES FOR SALES: Pushing Narratives and Thoughts
XyTrixx 21 May, 2024 @ 9:15am 
no apex is big gay
Bangcat 20 Aug, 2020 @ 1:30pm 
It was definitely a highlight for me as well. I'd actually like to see it go into having a co op exploration or ongoing missions vibe for a new game, sadly I don't think they're going to be quite that creative with it any time soon. They got bit by that EZ MONEY battle royale bug.

I'll give em credit though, they won a major position in the genera, and a bunch of coat tail riders who sacked their spots in the industry trying to make that EZ money instead got their companies pretty folded or they were jokes or throw away attempts.

However, for me at least, it's dissapointing to see what I feared. That APEX and that EZ MONEY royale bug is where the IP plans on staying, and that's just not what I'm interested in.

But a lot of game companies have lost their way in the last generation. We don't see another Crimson Skies, Lost Planet game, MOTORSTORM, or many others that really seemed to understand they were to make a fun game with fun immersive ideas.
Bangcat 27 Jun, 2020 @ 8:19am 
Some interesting news indeed in the last two entries. Hope you folks are out there staying safe and that the message of wanting a TitanFall 3 is out there.
!Varox_sr 19 Jun, 2020 @ 4:03am 
hey, you can now buy titanfall 2 on steam : ) enjoy
Bangcat 1 Nov, 2019 @ 12:23pm 
Hey there. PC still being finished up before getting it back. But yeah. EA is no longer any kind of trust worthy. Many of us have moved into the free to play MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 game on the PS4.

I EVEN WANT the new coming Need for Speed game, but I'll not be getting it any time soon because despite EA promises they have earned their lesson, but it's been so many times that they sound like the Exon "We're sorry"and Saddam's "I can change! " jokes from South Park.

No more EA for me right now, so I understand if you leave this group. I have a discord group with a theme Im hoping to get started up more though so if interested in mech games and co op games, let me know. :gh_m_guts:
bonkmaykr 29 Oct, 2019 @ 12:43pm 
I can really agree with what Bangcat said. Apex Legends certainly is fun but it feels nothing like a Titanfall game whatsoever.

Also is it just me or do people refuse to play TITANFALL because it was published by EA
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11 June, 2013