Skylords of Nyn BFSkylords
Skylords of Nyn BFSkylords
12 January, 2013
Lamb 17 Mar, 2014 @ 12:31am
There is way too much silence in this group!
The title says it all, I'm always hoping to read something new about Battleforge somewhere. I didn't play it too much but... such a good game really. But now it's only silence, even the community doesn't talk about it anymore. :(
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Malvoiy 14 Apr, 2014 @ 8:03pm 
I am as out of the loop as you are. I heard the call for programmers and 3d artists, but I am only a first year collage student in the field and there is little I can contribute at this time. I myself have not looked in for sometime. I am not sure where all the passion and fury went, but it seems to be gone along with any intent on doing something. I had looked in twice daily for about 3 months, but the community wasn't actually doing anything. I wish I had stepped up and started something now, but there is no one here now.
BorealDragon 18 Apr, 2014 @ 4:05pm 
I'm here every now and then, but yes, the community remains silent. There's little to do about that, really. Threads should come from everyone, not just from the admins. As should discussions, chats and gaming sessions (if any). I admit I am not the oversocial type and I usually don't go out and seek attention using discussions or contacting group members (wouldn't have done so in the official BF forums, more like reply to existing discussions), but that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't ^^
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