The Shimazu Clan |-TSC-|
The Shimazu Clan |-TSC-|
15 September, 2010
ABOUT The Shimazu Clan

Yes, we're the Shimazu clan, the one that stayed in Tier 1 of the clan competition for several months with only a handful of brave men.
The other shimazu clans are just wannabes or public zergs.
The clan is now CLOSED.

Shogun 2 Total War group;

My name is Shimazu Tadahisa and I am the proud founder of the mighty Shimazu clan. Our goal is simple, we shall dominate Japan by any means necessary and crush our rivals for the glory of the clan!

Only the most active and loyal amongst you are welcome, as we will expect a high level of participation from all of our members. Courage in battle and devotion to the clan will earn you rapid promotion - cowardice and disloyalty shall be sternly looked upon.


Daimyo: Shimazu Yoshihiro
Roshin: Kinjo
Roshin: Andferpa
Bugyo: Shimazu Tadatsune
Bugyo: Rapier
Kosho: TaK27
Kosho: Noobert
Kosho: Shimazu Tadakuni
Kosho: Startled Pigeon
Kosho: Eagle Kelly
Kosho: Nemo
Kosho: Sori
Kosho: Shimazu Ryuu
Kosho: Awayama Shiro-emon
Kosho: Chocobo
Kosho: Shimazu Narinobu
Kosho: Ardan

Founder of the Clan : Shimazu Tadahisa
To all the loyal members of the Shimazu clan (please read all)
Handing in my resignation from the group
IncubusDragon 12 Jul, 2011 @ 6:27am 
I've currently got some real life stuff I'm trying to get sorted... hopefully normal service will be resumed in a week or so.
RedStag 4 Jul, 2011 @ 10:18pm 
When you fight a melee army, you really have to look for opportunities to shred their morale. Wipe out their cav with yours (backed up your cav with spears if you're outnumbered) then hit their army in the rear if they get too close to your line. Cav attacks in the rear of a sword unit drop its morale by -6. If you have a single unit with warcry, use that to drop their morale by another -2.

If your troops are on a hill, they apparently get +6 to their morale, so always fight a melee spammer on a hill if you can, as it maximises the amount of time you can fire into melee and charge your line before they crack your line.

Also, look into using the metsuke inspector and the bad omen retainers - these are very useful if you think you're going to be fighting a loan sword spammer. If you hit the enemy units with rear charges, warcry, the metsuke and the bad omen their morale will drop by -10 and you should get an auto-rout firly quickly, especially if you have guns firing into melee.
RedStag 4 Jul, 2011 @ 10:13pm 
Retainers do stack, although debuffs usually do not. So, if you got fugu and world weary you would drop enemy melee attack by 4, but if you tried using warcry two times on the same unit, then the debuff value doesn't stack - you only get the penalty from the first warcry.

After fighting your army and Eagles I'd say the thing you guys have to watch out the most for are melee spams in 2v2. They'll roll your spear troops and skirmishers pretty easily, especially if they can defeat your cavalry. If I were you I'd look at beefing up your cavalry arm, taking some cheaper spear units and replacing a few of your spears with melee troops and more guns.

You guys are pretty well placed to take down cav spams and skirmish armies, so I wouldn't worry too much about them.
Ardan 4 Jul, 2011 @ 5:54pm 
A more specific question: Do morale, or penalty for enemy (morale or melee) retainers/skills stack? EG if you have a leadership general, is it any use to get morale retainers? Or do world weary and fungu cook stack to give enemy -4 melee attack?
Ardan 4 Jul, 2011 @ 5:51pm 
Hey guys, i know its asking a lot, but can those high ranking players give some advice on how to build armies, use strategies, what to expect, what to avoid in high ranking matchmade play? Me and Eagle plan to do some ranked 2v2, and though we are experienced in custom games, we could still learn a lot i guess.
[N]oobert. 29 Jun, 2011 @ 6:58pm 
Shame on you Tada, shame on you.. I shall remember this! And it was more so both of the enemies, but in my screenshot, I lost quite a bit because my ally came too late to the party after destroying some poor SOBs hidden infantry. I'll try to play some more games later tonight if I can. I might be going out to the hospital again though~
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15 September, 2010