Scalar Gmod Server Group SGSg-9
Scalar Gmod Server Group SGSg-9
22 December, 2014
United States 
Some Suggestions and a Possible Exploit
Alright, I'm making this thread primarily for a potential exploit, but I figured there might be some cool other things to bring up. Most of the suggestions are FPS inspired, and some are a bit outrageous, so that's why I'm adding them to see how people respond.

So, I'll start with the potential exploit.

If BFG makes it so you can only get weapons by buying them or equiping them in a loadout, people can bypass this by selecting one weapon, suiciding, picking a different weapon, and grabbing the other weapon on the ground from when they died. Of course, at the most, you'll only get at least an extra weapon in addition to your loadout weapons, but with more people this could be a problem.

And now with a couple cool server ideas I had (with fancy formatting):
disclaimer: I don't know how GMOD coding works so if these can't be made let me know ayy
  • Multi-Coloured Smoke Grenades
    Different coloured smoke grenades that do nothing other than produce smoke. They could be used for signaling enemy posistions for airstrikes, or to signal an LZ. It could be equipped using the loadout system, and the SWEP (if implemented and possible) will have three-plus grenades with selectable colours for the smoke. Also, it could produce more smoke than the signal beacon, to differentiate them.
    or you could remove red from the selectable spectrum or something

  • Guns in Variable Price Ranges
    If BFG implements CS:GO/S weapons into Pointshop, they should be higher priced depending on how well used they are, or how powerful they are. This means you could maybe buy the MG-42 for 500 dollars. I dunno.

  • Weapon Drop Changes
    Maybe you can make it so if you suicide, you don't drop your gun. This would kind of get rid of the potential exploit, but in the options for the addon I didn't see it specifically. What I did see, however, was that you could change the pickup from walking over the weapons, to using the USE key. I think that would be better, so the weapon hotbar wouldn't get filled if all you do is go on a rampage.

  • Sub-Loadouts, and Loadout Improvements
    Kind of like in CoD, where you can have more than one loadout you can select. This would make things easier, instead of having to change each individual section.
    Also, I know the loadout system is WIP, but instead of having an Equipment section with only a crossbow, you should be able to have two equipment items. Maybe you could add the Supply Beacon to it, so each member in a team could have different roles. Or, maybe you could add individual powerups to each loadout.

  • Non-Recharging Medkit
    Currently, the medkit starts at 100 percent and recharges over time when used.
    I think you could get rid of this to add more of a tactical sense to combat. When it's used up, it could be removed from the hotbar, and you can pick a new one up from someone who tried to heal.

    Somewhat of a more extreme addition, in terms of possible coding issues and community feedback:
  • Purchase-Able Loadout Weapons
    If it's possible to code this in, and I'd assume it's hard, you could maybe buy select weapons from the Pointshop, and you can equip them in a loadout. You can start out with basic weapons for each group, like two pistols and four rifles, but depending on your money you can buy more to add on to this. Equipment is all free from the start, though.

So yeah. If these are stupid, post below.
Last edited by ærømagnetica; 12 Feb, 2015 @ 1:48pm
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BFG 12 Feb, 2015 @ 3:06pm 
First off, the amount of time you need to invest to kill yourself a bunch of times and pick up weapons is a large investment of time if it means that 5 seconds after you start playing for real you could get AWP'd. So I'm not really concerned. If it becomes a legitimate problem then maybe I'll do something about it.

now, the suggestions.

-Smoke grenades are already planned to go back into the game, I'm not sure if I'll make them multicolored though but you can use plain old white smoke to signal things anyways. However my version of them are very laggy, so I'll be using GDC's more optimized smoke code once I reimplement the smoke grenades.
-I don't really want to charge money for the standard guns, but it's certainly a thought. At this time though the loadout system is very basic and doesn't allow for purchases.
-Weapon drop changes
If I do this, people will run out of ammo. Of course I'll eventually have it so you can buy ammo from the spawnmenu, but if there's ammo to be salvaged from guns on the ground why not use it? Maybe I will change it to "USE" though.
-Great idea, saved loadouts. I don't know how easily I can make this but I'll give it a try at some point. As for the "2 equipment items" that was kind of in the plan. Sorta. idk
-Non-recharging medkit? maybe. probably not but we'll see about it.
-Pointshop Loadouts: The funny thing is that originally the loadout system was supposed to be in pointshop itself. Weapons would be free and you would be able to "equip" a limited number of weapons from each category, and they would be granted to you on spawn. I can do this for the SG Munitions, I think, and just have them deduct money every time you spawn, and if you're out of money it dequips itself.
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