Stellaris / Real Space Mod RealSpaceMod
Stellaris / Real Space Mod RealSpaceMod
12. tammikuuta 2018
Tietoa: Stellaris / Real Space Mod

Stellaris / Real Space Mod

This group was created to discuss the mod of the Real Space for Stellaris and all addons associated with this mod. Here you can take part in the development of the project or help other players solve the problems associated with the compatibility of this mod with others.

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System Scale is now separate!
40 kommenttia
三道爪痕 8.10.2023 klo 6.42 
Which Real Space mod sometimes decrease mining zone on the using planet?
Annatar 15.2.2023 klo 6.07 
@'Allen' Fisher Hi. Thank you very much for your kind words. I am doing well, I am working. I had to make some adjustments to the support model. Now I can only work with Boosty. But it is not terrible, all who want, can support me. Write to my Discord server, there we can discuss mods and chat on any topic. {LINKKI POISTETTU}
vex 8.2.2023 klo 11.08 
I don't need a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ satellite to navigate land sea or air. Give me a compass. A decent watch, and a decent map. If the magnetic field of earth decoheres, fine, give me a sextant. If other people need anything fancier, then they are slaves to machines they do not understand.
vex 8.2.2023 klo 11.07 
(Will using NEOs to shepard space junk mess up the orbits of global communications satellites and military GPS sats? Well obviously yes. Do I give a flying ♥♥♥♥? Um, no. That would be a benefit. People are glued to their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ smart phones and do not realize that the things are designed to make them stupid, to teach them to stop thinking and let the magic machine do it for them. We have zombified ourselves. It is just that the zombies wear suits and go to office jobs. All the worlds military craft are now unable to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blow up critical infrastructure and lead to even more civillian deaths? Again, I fail to see how this is /in any way at all a bad thing/.)
vex 8.2.2023 klo 11.02 
Next idea: just start capturing ALL Near Earth Objects and make them into our own little ring system. We can use them to help 'sheep-dog' all of the rest of our space junk into more orderly and predictable patterns, just like how Saturns moons literally help to 'shepard' the trillions of micro rocks into Saturn's glorious ring structure.

This gives the added benefit of ... now we have extremely neat space rocks, and presuming we can get some kind of craft to land on them, there is actually a shockingly high chance that we will find materials which will fundamentally revolutionize our entire concept of physics... which is obviously, publically needed right now, as physics as a field has been ... stuck in the mud, spinning its wheels, for decades... not actually producing anything fundamentally capable of transforming human civilization.
vex 8.2.2023 klo 11.01 
Here's an idea:

Get all space junk into the L1 lagrange point as soon as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ possible. It's a ramshackle joke ... but right now, that would at least be the stupidest possible, yet at least somewhat effective... literal parasol for Earth. We can always just move it away later, assuming ... someone... survives.
12. tammikuuta 2018