Noir Roleplay NoirRP
Noir Roleplay NoirRP
15 March, 2012
ABOUT Noir Roleplay

Quality 1940's New York RP.

This is the current and latest incarnation of the late Gentleman's Gaming Lounge's Noir Roleplay sub-community that was in planning and nearing completion just before the community's decline. We all still think it's a good idea, and resources have been put back into regrouping and restarting our efforts, so we're hoping to have a full project up and running by a couple month time. That's an estimated time, at any rate.

The setting is late 1940's post-war Brooklyn, New York. The baby boom generation is about to kick off, the crime scene is booming, and the overflow of returning soldiers is creating an employment issue, with many returning to the police force or factories for work. The Mafia rules the underground, and new business empires are beginning to get their roots into the various industries in town. The good cops of the NYPD struggle to battle the internal corruption of the easily bribed, as well as those who take a wrong turn down the path of sodomy.

We had a good playerbase and strong administration, with all factions nearing completion, but since GGL died progress had stopped. Lately we've brought that back up and wish to get back all the people who were in on it. We trust others would enjoy the idea to come back, we are going to stand ourselves independently and just roll with it, not with the intent to steal scripts, players or resources, and not to maliciously attack or berate any other communities. We are an independent lot who cannot have our ideas realised amongst any other existing community, and have decided to have a stab at doing it ourselves.

Still in production, forums and stuff will be released soon. Information will be posted here, so join up to keep updated. If you're going to join this group, do so because you're interested and want to help or keep informed. If you're going to post simply to say "this community will die", then don't bother, don't waste your energy or our time, we don't really care.

Otherwise, please share this with those you may think are interested! Updates will be coming soon!

(Officers here are admins/mods in the community).
Please stay tuned.
Dear NRP peeps
Quixotic 16 Apr, 2012 @ 9:12pm 
it looks like ur cruisin 4 a bruisin, pieman
Pieman 16 Apr, 2012 @ 8:35pm 
this community looks ♥♥♥♥ omg look at all these admins they are so bad at the roleplays
barry 24 Mar, 2012 @ 6:42pm 
this looks awesome!
A Bastard Named Snow 20 Mar, 2012 @ 12:49pm 
well... that's like... your opinion, man
Pilotifhs 20 Mar, 2012 @ 11:20am 
TnB usually keeps me very chained down, but if I get the time I will definitely be checking this out. Your admin team and playerbase looks absolutely excellent, I wish you all the best of luck with what may be the highest quality RP server of 2012.
Enter chat room
15 March, 2012