Kryptonic RP KRYRP
Kryptonic RP KRYRP
4 May, 2015
United States 
ABOUT Kryptonic RP

Garry's Mod Server

UPDATE: 5/30/2018 - WE ARE BACK!

We are a Garrys mod community currently hosting a zombieRP server. We hope to continue to expand by adding more players to our community. Every server has been fully configured with several addons including some that are custom made by ourselves. We have a passionate staff dedicated to giving our players the best experience possible. We have absolutely no tolerance for staff abuse of any kind. All our staff are trained to handle situations fairly while providing the best possible service to our players. We hope to see you on our server!


Owner: Coal
Developerr: Boxvader

Server Textures
We're Back!
Important ZRP Update! (6/2/2018)
Hello Everyone,

I have spent the last several days making changes and updating various portions of the server backup I found. In an effort to better improve gameplay on the server I have went ahead and added some new items aswell as removing some features.

New features include:
  • New Vehichles
  • New Car Dealer
  • New XP System - with upgraded perks
  • New Mug System

Features Removed
  • Zombie System - To fustrating for players loosing all entities
  • Rapist / Rape system - Too many bugs in the system

With that said,

At this time I am currently uploading everything to our new server. Once the upload is complete I will temporarily open the server to check that everything is running smoothly. I will place a temporary lock on the server with a password being, "KRYPTONIC", exactly as typed. Anyone can feel free to join just be aware I may need to take the serve down at times thus it will not be adequate for true RP.

Once I am satissfied that everything is running smoothly I will remove the lock and the server will be open to the public. I expect the true opening date of the server to be somewhere around the 7th or 8th of june depending on how smoothly the file transfer goes.

Lastly I wanted to adress some things that I imaginge many of you will or currently have questions about.

Will I get my donator ranks back?
Yes, anyone who had a VIP, or VIP+ rank on the last server will already have their rank upon logging in.

Will I get my permanent weapons back?
Yes, previous permanent weapons will be given back please contact a superadmin to recieve your permanent weapon.

I had previously bought a custom class will that still be on the server?
Yes, all custom classes are back and will be available to you in the F4.

Will my inventory be the same
Yes, mostl items should be in your inventory. Exception being any items that were stored in your inventory after the backu was made.

Will my money be the same?
No, in order to preserve the integrity of the server I made the executive decision to return all player money back to the initial starting rate. However, previous players of the ZRP server can contact a superadmin to recive a returning bonus of $100,000.

Feel free to adress any aditional questions you may have to a superadmin on our discord server.
Invite Link:

I hope you're all as excited as I am to bring back the server, and I look forward to seeing many familiar faces again!

Kryptonic ZRP Owner,
- Boxvader

D. Trump 19 Jul, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
Was the first gmod server i ever played, gg Kryptonic <3
isaiah 13 Apr, 2023 @ 11:31pm 
llkrp :(
ciagangsterpolice 10 Jul, 2021 @ 9:12pm 
Saw this in my groups tab and as soon as I clicked a whole lot of memories came back. I remember I was like 12 years old when I played here and I was spending as much time on here as I could every day. Love to think about when I used to run the "stalkers" and pretend to be russians and raid random people's bases. My name on there was always either "♥♥♥♥ kickem" or "Cheeki Breeki" because back then I had no sense of humor. Many fun times were had, and collecting hundreds of knives inside of my bank was some of the most fun I've ever had.
KingChris 18 Mar, 2019 @ 3:49am 
I get that a lot sleast. Much love bro.
Skimbarb 12 Feb, 2019 @ 5:25pm 
man homie you hit me in my feels 😔
sleastburn 11 Feb, 2019 @ 6:58pm 
and any1 else that ever met me i love all of you :D
Enter chat room
4 May, 2015
United States