✬Comrades✬ ✬Comrade✬
✬Comrades✬ ✬Comrade✬
24 February, 2018
ABOUT ✬Comrades✬

“Kim is not a person but an idea.”

Kim’s Ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs concerning online gaming communities. Following this ideology requires the constant practice of these teachings in your everyday gaming life.

Comrade: Follower of Kim’s Ideology. All followers are considered kindred to one another and shall be treated with honor.
The Lost: Those who do not care about the ideology. Do not trouble these heretics unless provoked by them.
The Inferior: Those who are against this ideology.
Avide de Pouvoir (French for “power hungry”): Those who only want power and to gain in rank.

The Thou Shalt Nots:
Do not support the whims of fools.
Do not speak unless you desire to do so.
Do not take anything seriously, for life is but a perception and not a reality.
Do not follow incompetent leaders, even if you are to suffer “repercussions” for your beliefs. Defend the claims you have for their incompetence.
Do not insult anyone from one's real life unless are also a TeamSpeak user.

The Thou Shalts:
Do everything in your power to make “The Inferior” feel grief.
Do everything to further this ideology. The ideology of Kim grants sources of power unattainable to heretics. With this power proselytize others.

Our Commandments Concerning the Enemies of the Faith:
Call out the avide de pouvoir (French for “power hungry”). These evil men are our greatest foe and must be dealt with.
Call out those who overuse memes, for they know not the path to enlightenment.
Call out those whom everyone else seems to overlook, for the last shall be first.

When another person is wrong enlighten them, providing sufficient information for them to understand what you are trying to convey. Give them an opportunity for discussion, and if you are in the wrong own up to your sins. Admitting your error leads to wisdom in the believer.

The local governors of the TeamSpeak, the greater ones known as Admins and the lesser ones as Moderators, are to be treated no different than their subjects. If you are punished by banning for your beliefs rejoice, for your task has been completed. Do not fear death, for in heaven thou shalt be given many rewards for your holy service.

There are many things not written here, but all the documents on the internet would not be able to contain the wisdom of Kim. Instead, follow after the Dear Leader and Commissars example of how to live according to the words of Kim (on the internet).

Go my believers and prosper! Make haste and spread my word to all!
Goering's Top Man 10 Apr, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
Years ago, while the Regiment was burning in flames. Three men stood in the fire; Their dreams of a community bruned in their eyes. But one overcame, adapted to the new enviorment, the new rules. UNO squad emerged from the flames of TFK's Failure. And with it, a Tradition; Every year on April 11th, one must ♥♥♥♥ post a very sacred text on Tiberius' profile. Good luck and God Bless to all that succeed. But a word of caution to all the brave souls that partake on the journey. The road leading to Tiberius is very dangerous; for National Socialist, Neo Pagans, and Heretics alike patrol the roads. Guarding their sacred Tiberius. I advise all to take the safe road. A man named Seegert lives amongst these roads, talk to him and he will show you the safe ways.
Snazzgul 28 Feb, 2018 @ 12:22pm 
It is the doctrine of Kim graciously given to all users of Steam. This word is given to enlighten you and to assist in guiding you in the path that you are travelling in your gaming journey.
Zephyr 27 Feb, 2018 @ 10:30pm 
What even is this? 0.o
Sirodo 26 Feb, 2018 @ 7:42pm 
its been far too long
Snazzgul 25 Feb, 2018 @ 6:24pm 
Something far greater than you could possibly imagine.
The Bean Masta! 25 Feb, 2018 @ 6:15pm 
What have I gotten myself into now?
Enter chat room
24 February, 2018