Abz|1226 Abz|1226
Abz|1226 Abz|1226
28 August, 2011
ABOUT Abz|1226

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AnalBananal 3 Feb, 2014 @ 12:08am 
Recent news: Matthew Weisser (a member of a local WN gang) has been arrested following prostitution charges. Matthew Weisser was allegedly found prostituting himself in South-Eastern Los Angeles in local African American neighborhood.

This raised huge ethnic tensions in local prisons, where Matthew Weisser was regarded as the leader of many of these WN gangs. African American members mocked and threw bananas on the White inmates in Sen Quinten and this resulted in a major riot. Police reacted immediatly by sending the White inmates to the gas chambers and rewarding the Black inmates by setting them free.

More from Black Power Union.
AnalBananal 3 Feb, 2014 @ 12:03am 
Recent news: Transexuals in Iran (the worlds second in sex change operations) have been partying and celebrating on the streets of Tehran after the religious holiday of Muharram. The transexuals are reported to have been dancing with their ♥♥♥♥♥ wide open in public and screaming obscinities through the Northern district of Tehran.

Local Basiji militia have been called to topple these protests, but it seems that the local Basiji movement has joined forces with the transexuals and have created an agenda to capture Ayatollah Khamenei and forcefully perform a sex change operation on him.

Sydney Blazer, reporting from Tehran.
AnalBananal 3 Feb, 2014 @ 12:00am 
Recent news: Transexuals in Thailands north have been protesting the abusive treatments and inequalities that members of the LGBT community face daily. Transexual individuals have been protesting in Nakhon Ratchasima for the recognization of LGBT rights and the improvement of their lives.

Riot police have been called to disperse such protests, while local Buddhist and Muslim leaders declared this form of homosexuality as haram and against humanity - and have lobbied in the government for the immediate removal of all homosexuals in Thailand. The lobbiest have plans in 2016 to deport all homosexuals to neighboring Burma.
AnalBananal 2 Feb, 2014 @ 11:57pm 
Three weeks ago Suith Huiksanthi was killed in his quiete upper-middle class neighborhood just for being a Muslim. The reported perpretrators were an ultra-nationalist groups of thugs who believe that Buddhism is spiritually superior compared to Sunni Islam. These injustices that the Muslims suffer from in Thailand is far greater than reported on daily average news, and these injustices are not being recognized by the internation community.

Armed rebels from Thailands south (Pattani) have raised in arms in an attempt to change the dehumanization that has taken place in Thailand, the government and leadership of Thailand support this discrimination and this will only lead to more religious tensions and terror attacks.
AnalBananal 2 Feb, 2014 @ 11:57pm 
I urge the Thai government and people to wake up to these atrocities and help solve the problem that it created for itself. If Thailand does nothing to improve the lives of fellow Pattanis than the Pattani militia has every right to fight Thailand and gain it's independence to create an Islamic state run by their own people, their own government, and most importantly their own religion to protect their soverignty.
AnalBananal 2 Feb, 2014 @ 11:52pm 
I'm a Pattani seperatist.
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28 August, 2011