HoffaGang HoffaGang
HoffaGang HoffaGang
30 November, 2018
ABOUT HoffaGang

Jimmy Hoffa family

For those of you who really want to know where Jimmy Hoffa's body is located... he pretty much just told you. All you need to do is know some of the facts of the case and apply them to what he said.

1. Hoffa's body was not cremated or chopped up, Franzese confirmed this.
2. He's not sure of the exact spot, but he knows the general area. This is actually a big help. By the time you finish reading this, you will know the general area too.
3. He could not say it often enough or any more clearer, "They will NEVER find his body." This tells you most everything you need to know .. you'll understand why, in a moment.
4. He emphasized, there was a LOT of wetness. That, "A LOT," part is VERY telling.
5. Not mentioned in the video, but it is very easy to look up: Hoffa was last seen in the Detroit suburb if Bloomfield.

From all this, what do we know and what can we determine.

1. He's not in the Atlantic Ocean. They were not about to bring his body to NY or NJ to dump it in the Atlantic; especially when you have Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay, just a short drive north of Detroit.
2. Why Lake Huron and not Lake Erie or Lake Michigan? Michigan is a drive across the width of the state and not very efficient. Plus Huron has an added benefit Michigan doesn't: Canada. Although lake Erie is closer, it is also MUCH more shallow and would not present a real problem for professional divers.
3. At over 750 feet, the deepest part of the Great Lakes just happens to be on the Canadian side of Lake Huron. This is a depth that no diver will ever consider diving on a whim or a hunch. Even if they knew he was down there, it is just too deep and there would be too much area to cover. PLUS, they would also need permission from Canada to perform such a search. To top it off, Saginaw is right up the road, north of Detroit, and it is real easy to take a boat out of there, without worrying if anyone saw you.
4. "You need to kill this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and dump his body in the deepest part of Lake Huron so no one will ever find him." Yeah, that sounds about right, doesn't it?

Notice the "X" on this map. Hoffa is within a couple hundred yards of there. Be my guest and go look for him. Chances are, the water pressure will kill you before you hit the bottom.
Lake Huron
Lake Huron is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Hydrologically, it comprises the easterly portion of Lake Michigan–Huron, having the same surface elevation as its westerly counterpart, to which it is connected by the 5-mile-wide (8.0 km), 20-fathom-deep (120 ft;...
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30 November, 2018