hlcoders hlcoders
hlcoders hlcoders
6 January, 2008
ABOUT hlcoders

Putting the "odd" back in modding.

Anybody interested in or currently modding the Source engine is welcome! This group is oriented toward mod programmers.

Programmer(s) Wanted - Released Steam Game!

Currently open to new Developer, Contribution, and Authorized Creator roles!

Ahoy ther! Want to strengthen your portfolio? Want to contribute as a Developer or contribute when you feel like it? Want to take on more varied work for a released Steam game in a way that fits your schedule? Well, we be currently recruiting talent for priority positions below!

Now Featuring New Beta 3.0 Update
A 100% FREE Source Game that only requires a free Steam tool download.
Now featuring new 3.0 Update with new class, maps, celebrity announcers, combat updates, and more!

Download for FREE on Steam at:

What is Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II (PVKII)?
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II boasts a unique three-team symmetry and a myriad of colorful characters to promote exciting, strategic, and fun gameplay. It features four game modes, each requiring its own special brand of cunning to master. Do battle on a tropical island for control of bountiful treasure. Appease your gods by spilling the blood of your enemies deep within a Mayan temple. Conquer your foes by taking control of precious badlands territory. But most importantly, have FUN!

Features & Accolades
- Three teams with 9 unique player classes
- Fun, skill-based combat
- Swords, axes, guns, and explosives
- Unique voice acting for every character
- A variety of gorgeous levels
- Whimsical and challenging achievements
- Controllable attack parrots
- It's FREE!

"The rampant silliness and absurd title hide a remarkable robust and satisfying melee game..."

"The graphics still look amazing. The maps are the best I have seen on the Source engine..."

"One of the greatest Half-Life 2 mods to date."
- Mod DB

Are you GREAT?
Do others envy your SKILLS?
Do you have a strong passion for game design?
If you answered YES to all of the above, you may be just what we are looking for! So, if you think you have what it takes to be a member of a talented and dedicated game development team, please let us know if you are interested!

Priority Position & Role

Programmer(s) - Must be experienced with C++ , and ideally the Source Engine. A creative problem solver and team player who can work with senior programmers to frequently update private build content. Taking on the role as an additional coder, you will be an essential and positive force for the future development of the game. We require assistance with creating & polishing gamemodes, coding more planned in game achievements and contextual hints, and working with developers and testers to create the most fun experience possible.

There would always be something for you to do on the Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II crew. We allow various ways for successful developers and contributors to produce. You would be able to choose the options that you would most prefer, and at any time add variety to your workflow by taking on new things.

Examples follow of things you could possibly help us with!

Creating and/or polishing gamemodes - working with coders to improve gameplay experience by creating a more accessible game. Coding in 2D art such as sprites, animated textures, and particles to improve player guidance to motivate them to complete gamemode objectives and use teamwork. Work with senior programmers to create new, original gamemodes such as Relic Hunt, Capture The Wench, and more!

Visual Experience - Creating a balance of HUD elements and ingame sprites to help create a helpful, non distracting, and organized visual experience for the player.

Replay-ability and Variety - We're always brainstorm new ways to catch and keep new players, as well retain previous generations of fans. What makes a person want to play again? What excites them to open the game and find new things to enjoy? How can we keep our game installed in as many Steam libraries as we can? New specials, Weapon loadouts, character customization, steam workshop support, treasure hunting, new animations, and so on!

The Nitty-Gritty - Do you have what it takes to join the ranks of our Senior Programmers? Those individuals who pour everything they can into making this game a dream come true. Those characters who learn about the entire game inside and out. Those very hard workers who strive to commit content as frequently as they can, so much so that they are practically the strongest muscle fueling the game. They become a backbone to the future of the game. They accept any task and get it done fast. They know they work for free, yet they know how much it means to the world, even if the thousands of players don't even know your name. Rest assured, you are the best damn programmer we've ever had. You enjoy the nitty-gritty, the business of business, and you're willing to spend a couple of years to make things excellent. Do you have what it takes to be one of these individuals, and join the ranks of our Senior Programmers?

We Want You For PVKII
We plan to release our next update as the most polished release to date, and pull in thousands of new players to see all that our game and team has to offer. You can be a part of that, and many updates to come!

We'd love to have more help onboard, assisting us with anything to grow your portfolio, and working in a way that fits your schedule! Your work would be seen and appreciated by thousands, so if you are up for a new challenge buckle up and apply! Odin bids you pace!

To Apply
We're an easy group of people to get along with and have fun doing what we do. If you're interested in applying for the team, please send applications to for a follow up email, or submit an application in our forums at

Thank you for your time,

Colonel Sanders
Co-Lead, Level Designer
Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II
OctoShark Studios Online

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6 January, 2008