Grains Inc. Grains
Grains Inc. Grains
14 november 2008
OM Grains Inc.

Makers of the ONLY alternative food source for zombies!

Join millions of satisfied zombies in getting your grains today! Its the ONLY healthy alternative food source for zombies, made by humans!

Our zombie grains are made from 100% whole wheat, and they'll give YOU the zombie body you've always dreamed of!

Don't believe us? Heres a real life zombie who ordered OUR zombie grains:
"Zombie grains changed my life! I was just another stupid zombie until I started eating grains, and now I feel great! I don't get depressed at the lack of brains like all the other zombies do, and I hang out wherever I want because I always have grains! I even get all the regular looking girls until I accidentally smash them with my pinky. And I don't have cravings for brains! Its great!"

Order now and you'll get not one, not two, but THREE packs of zombie food grains for only 10 easy payments of $9.99.

But wait, theres more! Order in the next 10 minutes and you'll get a FREE sandwich board that says "Don't Shoot Me! I Don't Eat Brains!"**

Our grains come with a lifetime guarantee, and if you're not satisfied, neither are we! Simply seal your envelope (or have a friend do it if you no longer have hands) and send BACK your grains to us! We'll even pay the shipping and handling.

Grains Incorporated -- By humans, for zombies.

**Grains Inc does not expressly warrant that you will not be shot by humans by simple possession of the sandwich board device

Grains Inc. is now a partially-owned subsidiary of Aperture Science.
Starbound server to try the new changes out together
23 kommentarer
sweepy 10 sep, 2020 @ 16:45 
Yikes, already almost a decade since the band broke up. I think back on our time fondly and wish the best for all of you, Shore, Cake, Deci, Jobs, Suka.

Shore, thank you for your quick thinking and calming presence.
Cake, thank you for being that rock we could always depend on.
Deci, thank you for giving me that little extra push to chase the life I want.
Jobs, thanks for bringing some color to our crew. (lol it's ok he'll never see this. But in case he does, thanks for taking my Job!)
And Suka, thanks for keeping this old man company on those jump maps. Those were so much fun!

I'm playing DnD once a week with some friends. Message me if you want to join. XOXOXOXOXO
sweepy 6 jun, 2018 @ 21:45 
did cake die or pull a jobs and get married with kids
sweepy 2 sep, 2017 @ 8:09 
s:fs2smile: miss u guys
jobs 5 jan, 2014 @ 13:27 
Is this thing on?!
sweepy 30 jul, 2012 @ 18:29 
"Ohhhhhh shiny, what is thi.. *CRACK* ahhHHH it's a BEAR TRAP! MY LEG is shatter... wtf is that a GUY up th..." *BOOOOOM* *SNAP*

-sweeper has died-
cake 29 jul, 2012 @ 20:28 
<- Not a parental figure. Allow me to demonstrate: OOOOH BRIGHT AND SHINY OBJECT!!!!!! MUST. HAVE. NOW!
Veckans Spelare I Gruppen:
Gå med i chattrum
14 november 2008