Football Manager Scout FMSCOUT
Football Manager Scout FMSCOUT
12 January, 2011
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[FM16 Tactics] Mourinho Classic 4-5-1
Originally posted by The_Reckonist:
An ideal starter tactic for teams developing towards a more pragmatic style of play. A good representation of the formation that Chelsea dominated the English Premier League with, during Jose Mourinho’s first reign. I used my knowledge of those players as a starting point and tweaked it to work in the latest 16.3 patch.

Plenty of tips and a 10-min video analysis are included.

Mourinho Classic 4-5-1 for FM16.3[]

[FM13 Tactics] The Brendan Rodgers System
Originally posted by Brendan Rogers, 2012:
I like to control games. I like to be responsible for our own destiny. If you are better than your opponent with the ball you have a 79 per cent chance of winning the game…for me it is quite logical. It does not matter how big or small you are, if you don’t have the ball you can’t score.

Brendan Rodgers' philosophy is one that is admired across the globe. His beliefs of how the game should be played has lead to some revolutionary football in the Premier League, first with Swansea, and currently with Liverpool. He believes in getting all the little things right. Keeping the ball is very important, and off-the-ball movement is clearly visible in this system. Defensively, he likes his team to put a lot of pressure on the opposing team. If you put your opponent under pressure, they have less time and space to work with, which may force them in to making mistakes. When his team has the ball, his players play a nice, flowing passing game with the ball always moving, making it impossible for the opposition to predict the next move. A master tactic in creation!

Are you looking to play an attractive style of football, while still controlling the play? Take a look at this tactic, modeled on Brendan Rodgers' "Tiki-Taka" system (3 formations included).

Brendan Rodgers' Tiki-Taka System[]

Sierra cs 27 Dec, 2022 @ 5:20am 
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valyp 17 Nov, 2020 @ 10:07am 
Hello! I'm new here :P
looch 18 Apr, 2017 @ 7:58pm 
One of the people who subscribed to my workshop mod said it was not there to tick and they suggested making it Non-Steam available, could anyone help me?
sam 13 Feb, 2016 @ 5:26am 
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KingMiguzx1 25 Dec, 2015 @ 11:32am 
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