D.U.S.T – Unforgiving Realism D.U.S.T Game
D.U.S.T – Unforgiving Realism D.U.S.T Game
16 October, 2015
ABOUT D.U.S.T – Unforgiving Realism

Official D.U.S.T Game Communtity Group

Welcome to the Official D.U.S.T Game Communtity Group!

About the game:

So, another multiplayer FPS that claims to be "real", what's the deal?
There are hundreds of them and we all know that realism isn't really there. There are few that comes close, but not quite there. Hell, I was so into realism that I eventually decided to make one instead of looking. D.U.S.T. was not made to be "better" or to be more "real", it was made to do it right. So here is a brief feature list.

Total Control Weapon

Pull the charging handle, slap the bolt catch. Turn the elevation dials and set the focus on scopes. Gone are the days of a weapon that is capable of reality bending physics. Our motto is, If you can do it real life, then you can also do it in DUST. If it is missing, even the smallest thing, let us know and we will add it.

An open level (4km x 4km) 128 player game.

Team driven fire fight at long distances for seasoned and to be more exact, veteran, hardcore FPS players. Please note that the initial release will be limited to 64 player games.

Total Weapon Modification

Having the ability to change scopes and suppresors is not considered enough. D.U.S.T. allows you to change the barrel, twist ratio, thikness, trigger, bolt carrier group, scopes, grenade launchers, handles, rails, magazines, round grain types and so on. We are actively adding and widening the modification level.

Physics driven ballistics.

That means gravity, air resistance, ricochet, fragmentation etc. Everything should be there is there

One shot, one kill gameplay.
Gone are the days of health regeneration or a number driven health system. A bullet will and definitely kill you.

Extended view distance.

Clear view of 4000m+, that means no more fogs, no more popping in enemies. There is just realistic atmospheric scatter.

Developer Site[]
Game Page
Peter's latest announcments on D.U.S.T. and new update.
Hi guys, I just wanted to openly talk about few things regarding D.U.S.T.

1. I apologize for the recent delay:
It was disgusting and a pile of mess. The good news is that we are well on our way to and the bad news is that this may happen again in the future XD (You are stuck with me :D)

2. We may go into sale in the future:
I have repeatedly told people that D.U.S.T. is not going into sale - which I now officially retract. The reason being, it is a very good practice - financially and for playerbase - and I admit that I may have been wrong about this one. This does not mean that the price will go down. It will still have an upward trajectory as the game progresses, but will enter intermittent sales at times.

3. I am focusing on finishing off the 0.2.0 cycle:
I will be releasing frequent bug fixes so that we can leave 0.2.0 cycle and move onto the 0.2.1 cycle. Expect many graphical changes for the 0.2.1 cycle.

4. Dev-Player communication:
many people have told me that one of the best things about DUST is that we(players and I) talk as gamers on how to improve DUST - which I absolutely agree. In light of this movement, I will be setting up a larger Teamspeak channel where people can drop by and chill. I will be there 24/7 so we can talk about gaming all day :D

5. Need helping hands:
I am also looking for few volunteers to help me manage the channel. If you are experienced with nuturing a gaming community and have some hours to spare, please let me know. Send me an email ( if you are interested.

Stay frosty
" Update Announcement
JuicyFruitDragon 4 Apr, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
Hello anybody here? *echoes*
Hmph, guess not.

Anyways I was hoping to get a group of people together to play a match of this game, I love this thing to death but nobody is ever on, so I created a discussion but its been 18hrs and I havent gotten any responses. So I was hoping either "Thor7142" or "bUbir the Spacemom" could maybe create an announcment so a notification pops up to everyone in this group.
Thanks either way, yes or no.
<3 Juicy
Thor 21 Nov, 2015 @ 11:03am 
It's difficult to say when there is going to be a stable player base but generally, a large amount of people are playing when a new update is released.
Enter chat room
16 October, 2015