DECK13 Interactive DECK13
DECK13 Interactive DECK13
15 June, 2018
ABOUT DECK13 Interactive

DECK13 - A developer studio from Germany

Deck13 Interactive is one of Germany’s leading developers with more than 18 years of experience. With over 60 employees located in Frankfurt, Deck13 Interactive has developed upwards of 20 titles, including major releases such as The Surge and Lords of the Fallen. Currently the team is working on The Surge 2 and a new unannounced IP.

Under the “Deck13 Spotlight” label the team established a publishing service to help independent developers bring their projects to wider audiences. Deck13 Spotlight is a growing division with an experienced team and access to major console markets. For more than 10 published games such as CrossCode, Deck13 managed Producing, Localization, QA, Marketing, PR & Distribution.

We will continue to give all we can to offer the best possible gaming experince to someone very special: YOU, THE PLAYER!

To Hell with Hell has been announced
  • Masks! Since you’re wearing a bikini you should probably cover yourself behind masks (super effective!), transforming you into a knight, a demon or even a clown.
  • Tons and tons of weapons! You can even use a unicorn to slay your enemies (SERIOUSLY!)
  • Hell. For real. But also other places… because reasons.
  • Randomly generated levels – you’ll never know what to expect after each and every death. And there’ll be lots of deaths.

Exdeath 11 Dec, 2024 @ 7:02am 
Bitte geht sicher das D13_Michael seine Medikamente bekommt, ich hab Angst dass er sich in seinem Verfolgungswahn weh tut
Neyreyan_Youtube 27 Oct, 2024 @ 7:40pm 
Your pr human, D13_Michael, is banning people in the Drova Forsaken Kin disscusion page based on his/him/they/their personal political opinions. I also got banned because i described something that happened in the game.
The reason for the bad was because i derailed all topics when i posted wich is clearly a lie because in 90% of my posts i talked about quests or gameplay.
He also said in the ban message that he made the right decision, not even trying to respond to my acusations of censorship.
He also banned me without giving a warning first and basically calling me racist because i had a different opinion on some gameplay aspects.
So personal insults customers and bans if users/customers want to discuss the game.
Please make an investigation
Street 1 Dec, 2023 @ 11:50am 
+1 I'd love to see Surge 3. Both games are underrated. Gonna write up positive reviews. Idk, try to monitore feedback on the web, but for me, at least in 1st game, the part that could be better first hand - bosses amount. Everyone loves Dark souls because of cool boss fights. Dont remember about the second game, maybe it had a bit more fights, gonna return to it soon. I love the atmosphere in Surge 1. And I'm in love with all the details and characters you've brought to us. To play and witness story of Sally, find Don, to hear announcer speech. Idk. Very immersive. Just so cool. What I didnt like in Surge 2 narrative wise, is like Warren shrugged off all this madness and dread that happened in first game like, "Yeah...There were some issues in Creo...uh huh". Plus he's very shy, downplaying how badass he is.

Anyway, I think both games werent considered as a financial success and I highly doubt we will see the sequel, but wholeheartedly: Thank You !

Have a nice Holidays !
Tirvon 27 Nov, 2023 @ 9:33am 
Where is Surge 3? It's been forever. Absolutely loved those games.
[N7] Sr. Chalice a.k.a Covid 5G 14 Sep, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
Please don't forget us over at GoG for Atlas Fallen release. It's now Sept 14th
Evo ♥♪ 1 Jan, 2020 @ 2:05pm 