CoaguCo Industries coaguco
CoaguCo Industries coaguco
24 September, 2014
United States 
ABOUT CoaguCo Industries

Making things to waste your time!

This is the Steam group for CoaguCo Industries. If we have game alphas, betas, releases, contests, or anything else it might be posted here. Especially if it has to do with Steam.

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CoaguCo End Of 2024 Update
One Way To Die
Almost ten years old now! This game has had a ton of updates and will see the final one very soon. As we saw in the Fall Update, the game's main loop was totally rebuilt to make it somewhat less reading and more like an actual game.

The story chunks have been condensed and re-written but are still as ridiculous as before. Conversion is about 90% finished at this point and will be out sometime after the new year. Probably January. Seriously!

Haulin' Oats
I personally loved this game but it totally bombed. That said we are about to release the game's 1.0 version on its anniversary in March. Most of the additional stuff was scraped but this last update will bring it out of Early Access and provide all the best, core things we wanted to do with it.

Like what, you ask? Local co-op, all the bug fixes, some re-worked rules, and more polish. There is a controller support and Steam Deck patch slated for after the release patch so fear not!

The Dope Game
Speaking of fear, the list of cool things that got axed from this final update gives it to me.. but the list of bug fixes restores hope.

The Fatal Dose update will come in May for the nine year anniversary! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, nine years of slanging dope and broken updates?! Yes. Mostly just fixes and minor feature additions like controller support finally and Steam Deck support. Some of the more ambitious things like multiplayer were dropped so this update will actually ship!

Also, the sequel has been canceled to work on new projects like one we can't talk about just yet. At least not until all these updates get out the door!

Into Oblivion
This game was basically finished with The Last Drop update but we are scheming on putting in a controller support and Steam Deck update out sometime near the end of 2025. But don't hold your alcohol-laced breath on that.

Raise Your Own Clone
And a game I think we all hated will finally get an update we all deserved initially. Plagued by so many issues, this game was a nightmare to work on and completely missed the mark on what it was supposed to be. Bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I say.

However, it is being completely rebuilt from scratch into what a later design meant to do with and with more competent people now. It will be re-released in August to commemorate our favorite clone... The Flash himself. Yeah, he was the model.

What's Next?
We are doing some collaborations this coming year on some new projects but focusing on putting these old ones to their graves first. Announcements on new stuff will come in the summer of 2025 so don't worry.

We'll talk soon. Thank you all so much for all the support over the years. Miss and love you, ♥♥♥♥♥!

Into Oblivion - The Last Drop Version 3.1
  • Added: different icon hooks for different operating systems
  • Added: full game description to app data
  • Added: basic framework for Inputs / controller
  • Added: news messages to main menu
  • Changed: updated splash sequence for studio change
  • Changed: demo updated to newest version
  • Changed: Steam boot-up process
  • Changed: updated Steam API
  • Removed: unused files

Ixhorb 11 Jan @ 5:02pm 
Grampus 8 Dec, 2024 @ 7:23am 
I don't know any of the music changed so much as Macabre Gandhi added a few extra tracks. I think The Stash DLC has all the original tracks added to it including the old ones.
nanook3890 17 Aug, 2024 @ 6:50am 
Hey team.

Sad to see the some of the music has changed with the remaster of the Dope Game :(

Where can I download the original version's full soundtrack? I really loved the music and think it made the game brilliant. Without it it doesn't feel the same :(

󠁳 ⁧Eχis†enƵ 17 Mar, 2018 @ 4:15am 
£ᄐᄐ꒒ £ℜᄐᄐ ᅮꑙ ᗑ꒯꒯ ⋔ᄐ :DarkHeart:
Grampus 13 Aug, 2016 @ 6:07am 
Hey there! Can you post over at along with your OS and bit (32 or 64)? We can get it sorted!
Keir 13 Aug, 2016 @ 3:48am 
Hey the dope game has stopped working for me, I have reinstalled and stuff. When I launch the dope game it says godot game engine has stopped working :(
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24 September, 2014
United States