Everything Left Unsaid Cap-IM
Everything Left Unsaid Cap-IM
5 January, 2016
ABOUT Everything Left Unsaid

Everything Left Unsaid

You gave me a home.

And in our home, we play video games.

Everything Left Unsaid (LJ)[]
Everything Left Unsaid (Tumblr)[]
Feloss 2 Apr, 2016 @ 12:07pm 
Oh boy, @salmastryon you're a pal! I'm so glad to hear they've patched the sound, and all that stuff sounds pretty exciting actually. I do have a critical weakness for Lego games in addition to my love for the Marvel characters... I'm stoked for Kamala Khan and the Young Avengers and so on, although it's too bad that there are no Fox-owned heroes. (That whole business is so silly to me. :/ Also I would have liked to play as X-23...) I hope to get my metaphorical hands on the game soon, thanks for the additional details! :D
salmastryon 31 Mar, 2016 @ 1:16pm 
@FelixFelicis - I've finished through the entire plot at this point. I believe they have patched the sound issue. There are some really cute little over world missions. For example, You get one from old peggy that takes you back in time and everything goes sept toned and the cars all change to old models. The barista from the cut scene in Avengers shows up on several different maps to bring people much needed coffee. It is a shame though that there is no extra levels unlocked by gold bricks this time.

While there isn't that many more characters without the fantastic four and the x-men there is a lot more chracters I just don't recognize at all. Oh and another important thing Squirrel Girl can summon her mech from unbeatable squirrel girl. :P
Feloss 14 Feb, 2016 @ 3:58am 
Thanks guys, it sounds like it's worth a try at least. Guess I'll hold out for a sale!
salmastryon 12 Feb, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
On the pro side the gameplay itself is still great and I like some of the changes they've made to the characters. Tony can switch to any of his suits without having to actually switch his character. Hawkeye gets heat, explosion and sonic arrows. Natasha can do electirc stuff in her AoU uniform. The intelligence terminals are now called advance tech. And some of the people I thought should be able to use them before can now. There is also this new ability where the character summons two goons to help you fight stuff.

TThere are team-up moves that wipe most the screen now. They have different animaitons depending on who the two characters are and who instigated the move.

I've never played any lego games on the PC, but I'm playing on the ps4 and the controls are the same as for superheroes on the ps3. Which I've not had issues with?

As a disclaimer I'm only at like 33% complete for the game right now I still got a lot more to do.
salmastryon 12 Feb, 2016 @ 5:46pm 
Carlin hit of the main issue on the head. Constraining themselves by using audio from the movies for the main characters really limits them. They get around it aome what by having Maria Hill, Pepper, Coulson, Agent Williams, Harley and Peggy "narrate" or try to communicate with the heroes with broken communicators. It reminds me somewhat of the old japanese rpgs where the hero never talked.

Most the lego humor is limited to sight gags in the main story lines. In the little side missions on the hub maps they can do more humor wise there because that is where you intereact with the non movie chracters.

The other issue with the audio is the normalization from the movie audio to the recorded voice work is wonky. You can pretty much tell which is which by how loud it is. This though will probably be fixed with an upcoming patch or whatever the first DLC is.

Don't let that put you off playing the game though. I'd just wait and grab it on sale or after a price drop.
Yeehawesome 12 Feb, 2016 @ 1:14pm 
@FelixFelicis I only played a little bit of Lego Superheroes on a friend's ps4, but one of the big things for me is that Lego Avengers uses real dialog, which SOUNDS cool, except then the game is ridiculously constrained. It's also just not as fun for some reason, but I'm not sure why, exactly. I feel like it doesn't poke fun quite as much as Superheroes did. Also, the controls are straight up terrible on the PC and the ability to change them is bugged, but you do get used to it and I assume it'll be patched at some point.

I am really enjoying it though, and I specifically bought it so I would have a game that was just simple and fun (my main other games are Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and survival games. Sometimes they're too stressful to be relaxing.) so it serves that purpose well. I don't regret buying it.
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5 January, 2016