Cakes Gaming Community TF2 [CGC)
Cakes Gaming Community TF2 [CGC)
15 January, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Rowan 22 Sep, 2016 @ 6:14pm
Moderator Applications
If you would like to apply to be a moderator of Cakes Gaming Community, then you may do so here. Please post this as a seperate discussion, not as a comment. Which is why this discussion is locked.

I will describe below what we are looking for in a moderator. You don't in theory have to meet all criteria 100%, but it would help.

  • You must not have a Trade Ban, or any marks on your reputation. We will check your SteamRep before we approach you.

  • It's preferable if you have at least 3-4 hours a day to give to the group, and be in the chat room, or posting in the forums.

  • You must not have actively caused trouble for the group before in the past. We do believe in second chances, but we may not say so for repeated offenders.

  • We don't make you do giveaways, we simply ask you to keep the group active, and invite members, share the word, stay in the chat, ect.

    Application Format

    Here is the format to apply to become a moderator CGC.

  • How much time can you give to the group daily?

  • Have you ever been banned before? If so, what for? And how many times?

  • Were you a moderator before? Do you have any previous experience?

  • Why exactly do you want to be a moderator, and why should we choose you over someone else?

  • If we were to promote you, what would you do afterwards?

  • Will you be able to invite new members and spread the word, and actively help our group expand?

  • Would you be able to do giveaways, event, or other fun activities?

  • What timezone do you go by?

  • We don't necessarely care about age, but it would help us to get to know you better if you specified, if you do not feel comfortable telling us, you may tell us privately.

    We will contact you personally and discuss your application privately, and will ask more questions if we deem it necessary.

    I wish all of you luck!

    Cheers. ~Sakura.

Last edited by Rowan; 22 Sep, 2016 @ 6:15pm
Date Posted: 22 Sep, 2016 @ 6:14pm
Posts: 0