Bloody Trapland Multiplayer Servers BTLMPS
Bloody Trapland Multiplayer Servers BTLMPS
23 July, 2013
ABOUT Bloody Trapland Multiplayer Servers

A group for Bloody Trapland multiplayer!

A group for anyone hosting or looking for a good Bloody Trapland server. Post server info in the group forum.
Some level editor info (Not much time left now)
  • I said: Here are some questions about the level editor update:
    (This is gonna be made public btw)
  • When we make levels will we be able to place them in a world?
  • Can we edit the power of the fans, and other trap settings?
  • Can we put things outside the map?
  • Will we be able to move the players individually?
  • Can we add our own sprites or other things?
  • Will the level editor update, update anything else?
    (other then the lvl editor that is)
  • Will levels made with the editor be like a race?
  • Can we also make deathmatch levels?
  • And lastly, any plans for more levels in the story mode?
  • Oh, and anything else we should look forward to?
    I can filter out any question you don't wanna answer if you want.

  • well.. for now it's gonna be race levels only. the editor has a whole bunch of features to make various maps, and more will be added in collaboration with the community, we want you to be able to make maps with easy, and have fun doing so. And yes, you will be able to change trap specific values.
  • Bloody Trapland will also be heavily updated with this patch.
    Not at all much longer until release :)
We have talked about putting levels in worlds,
but I've not gotten his consent on whether or not i can make that public.

Got his consent... So here it is!:
Don't have the exact text, but this is what i remember it as:
Putting levels in a world will not be available immediately,
but the editor is build to be able to do that in the future.
You'll be able to link levels together in a world.
You can even link your friends levels with yours!

(Not out yet) The level editor and level ideas
  • 1: Heaven. We had Hell so why not Heaven?
    But since there are no clouds sprites in the game (that i remember)
    and i don't think we can import sprites. I think that's a no go.
  • 2: Floating island(s). This is more possible, and could be interesting.
    Seeing vines, and things beneath you. Could be cool.
    Would also make ''death holes'' make more sense since you fall from high up.
    And it's not just some random hole in the ground.
  • 3: World tour. This is something that really uses the ''map'' (if we get that)
    Could make some levels with the dessert stuff and call them ''Egypt's pyramids''
    Or make some levels out of the castle and call them the ''The Great Wall Of China''
    I think you get the idea.
  • 4: Inside a pyramid. One of my friends like the dessert SO MUCH!
    He wants to make a pyramid world (if we get the ability)
    I can see what he means. Working yourself through that could be fun.
  • 5: Death trap. One of my other friends just wants to make an
    almost impossible level... Not much else i guess... I wanna be the cat?
  • 6: Blank space... SPACE! I don't recommend it.
    But i guess you could try and make a space level.
    Just put down a lot of wind-blowers/fans (can we edit the power?)
    and leave the level kinda blank (background mostly)
  • 7: Wind tunnel. Making it so you will almost always get pushed by a fan.
    Wind from all sides... Could be interesting if nothing else.
    (just remember to spawn the players somewhere safe)
But these are mostly just ''settings'' then anything. Level design is something completely different.
Also, you can use these ideas freely. I'm just gonna call mine something like
''JacobMIX's World tour'' or something. Plus i'd like to see what you could make with these ideas.
Can't wait till it's out! So much happy bloody will be shared! :beatmeat:
And i have decided. Yes. I will be a mod on the BTL forum. I'll probably not do much i'm not already.
This might bring upon the end of the world!... But i think i'll take that chance.

Haste 31 Jan, 2021 @ 3:19am 
who want play
Haste 31 Jan, 2021 @ 3:19am 
Rozels 5 May, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
If anyone is interested in playing hit me up, I never got a chance to play this when I bought this a long time ago.
pjg ツ 3 Aug, 2016 @ 11:10am 
anyone play anymore? add me!
Bab 20 Jun, 2015 @ 3:24pm 
any tips how i can fix the cd-key? it doesn't work. If you know how to fix it add me
BMO dances like a professional 1 Jan, 2015 @ 1:39pm 
Hi guys, if anyone has a server, please add me for playing this funny game.
Enter chat room
23 July, 2013