Gaming Rigs for Humanity BOINCers
Gaming Rigs for Humanity BOINCers
18 March, 2013
ABOUT Gaming Rigs for Humanity

Donate your computer's idle time to science

With BOINC distributed computing technology and World Community Grid, your PC's unused processing power can be used to advance scientific research that benefits human welfare and the environment. World Community Grid projects greatly accelerate research toward mathematical modeling of clean water / clean energy campaigns, vaccination methods, and possible cures for deadly diseases. Other BOINC projects can perform LHC calculations, map the cosmos or even aid in the search for extraterrestrial life.

As PC gamers, we are uniquely equipped to aid in these efforts. Many of us own powerful desktop machines that spend much of their time sitting idle. BOINC software is highly configurable and allows for idle compute time or CPU/GPU cores to be allocated to research tasks.

Sign up and let your PC start solving the world's problems.

World Community Grid[]
Team Stats/Info[]
The_Mole 3 Feb, 2024 @ 12:22pm 
After completing 50 years milestone for the team last week, which means I've now crunched more than 4 times as much workunits as all the other members combined, it's time to move on.

Since there's really nothing going on here, we don't take part in any challenges and the like, and I've been pulling the team on my own for quite some time, I don't see any future here.

I'll stay in the group and when there's some activity here again, I'll be happy to come back, but until then I'll be crunching for an active team.

I hope I could at least set you a goal that you want to surpass.
Good Luck & Have Fun!
The_Mole 16 Feb, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
Because of the currently high energy prices in Germany (>45ct/kWh) I had to throttle BOINC massively. If you want to catch up, now's the time!
"Technae" 3 Jan, 2021 @ 3:33am 
hi, just joined the team
The_Mole 17 Nov, 2020 @ 4:29pm 
Many thanks!

Well, it's not like I have to do the calcs in my head. Most of the work is done by my XPEnology NAS, which I built from a used Fujitsu Esprimo E710 SFF that came for 35€, then stuffed in twelve* 2,5"-HDDs in and replaced the Pentium CPU with a Xeon E3-1265L v2. Main purpose is to serve as house automation server and private cloud. However, it would idle most of the time without BOINC.

(*6 in the 5.25" slot, 2 in each 3.5 slot (int/ext) and another two in a 3.5"-adapter I screwed onto the drive cage - fits barely but fits, but you need additional controllers)

My gaming rig can be found here [] (pics not up to date, atm). However, I need to do something about VRM temps, before going all in with that.

So much about what my cans are made of, the rest is just not switching them off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As an apology for the delayed reply, here's a sixpack:
:retro_beer: :retro_beer: :retro_beer:
:retro_beer: :retro_beer: :retro_beer:
Wombo Stombo 18 Apr, 2020 @ 2:03pm 
Shout-out to user The_Mole who is putting everyone to shame with that compute time! Crazy!

To everyone else: There are 57 members in this group and only 8 are actually on the WCG Team. I'm assuming at least some of you are doing it, so don't forget to join the team!
Mxmlln 12 Nov, 2018 @ 1:58pm 
Cool group, been a fan of BOINC and Folding for a looooooong time :bms:
Enter chat room
18 March, 2013