Bitcoin bitcoin
Bitcoin bitcoin
3 May, 2011
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Immortal 21 Jul, 2018 @ 6:19am
i am 14
hello i am 14 i would like to mine bitcoin but i dont know if its a good idea or not
could someone help me
Last edited by Immortal; 5 Aug, 2018 @ 3:47am
Originally posted by Tortellini Gourmet:
try to invest a SMALL amount first to test the waters and see if you can succeed in the enviorment of the bitcoin market,dont try to mine it as it will just cause you pain and you will lose money (since most PCs use more eletricity [aka money] than they produce in bitcoin)
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onvoi 21 Jul, 2018 @ 8:25am 
If you spend most of your time on your pc then no. If your looking at just trying to get a bit extra money try to get a paper round or something in your local area.
Immortal 21 Jul, 2018 @ 8:36am 
okay thank you
lakeyboi12 25 Jul, 2018 @ 8:56am 
You can't mine Bitcoin and make a profit without a special computer called an ASIC, and those cost thousands of dollars. If you want to mine, your best bet is an alt such as XMR or Steem.
Joys 25 Jul, 2018 @ 10:37am 
Originally posted by Switchblade:
Steem is not mineable though.
Last edited by Joys; 25 Jul, 2018 @ 10:38am
Bitcoin is currently mining with asics . u can theoritcly use graphics cards or even processor to mine but its not worth it at all !

anyway if you have AMD graphics tray ETH and XMR

if Nvidia its better to mine Zcash

finally if you want to tray mobile phone mining . there is intersting coin for that named ETN search google play store for its miner and its not actual mining its just simulate .

good luck
Where can I get a zcash miner
human 28 Aug, 2018 @ 6:57pm 
iam 10 I dunno if i shoudl mine bitcon
anicca444 24 Sep, 2018 @ 10:59am 
do not get into mining, rather, learn about the technology (I recommend andreas antonopoulos' youtube channel, he is excellent at explaining what a revolutionary technology this is and why it matters). The open, decentralized internet is coming for banking and many other applications/use-cases in much the same way that the internet came for the printing press / mainstream media television... it WILL consume/transform those industries and the way we communicate value to each other.

Once you have learned about it perhaps pick up small amounts of promising alt coins and a little bitcoin if you have funds. But never invest more than you can afford to lose; this is extremely early in the crypto space and no one can predict what will happen. One thing I think for sure though, is that some decentralized, open, trustless networks will thrive, and the wider industry/banks will move to try and protect themselves with permissioned closed cryptos (these are not true cryptos and in my opinion will be an extention of the current dystopian nightmare surveilance control network that the banks currently operate)

Otherwise, look at airdrops/giveaways and accumulate those for free, in time they may be worth something and you may be able to make a little bitcoin out of those without investing. IMHO bitcoin will probably survive and thrive, scalability and privacy enhancement innovations are coming thick and fast, but scaling is something that will happen over the next decade or two as the networks current capacity is used... this scaling is exponential in nature much like the how the internets infrastructure scaled, rather than linear, how visa/banks scale (barely/slowly and in a way that excludes the majority of the worlds population).
anicca444 28 Nov, 2018 @ 8:59pm 
(for anyone new to bitcoin/crypto, you will be doing yourself a massive favour by checking those two incredible resources)

andreas antonopoulos youtube channel

check his full talks in chronological order, and q&a specific videos about topics you find interesting from there

Jameson Lopps massive trove of various bitcoin resource links:
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
try to invest a SMALL amount first to test the waters and see if you can succeed in the enviorment of the bitcoin market,dont try to mine it as it will just cause you pain and you will lose money (since most PCs use more eletricity [aka money] than they produce in bitcoin)
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