Weasel Turd [W/T]
Membership by invitation only
Weasel Turd [W/T]
21 December, 2011
ABOUT Weasel Turd

Brotherhood of the Weasel Turds

The series of Iron pipe chronicles

The Heroic quest of the iron pipe wielder for justice 2: Revenge of the reckoning return!

'Do you all eat grass' said the ironpipe. Then the snake turned black because of the ironpipes stylish, economical look. And then he putted snake between his leg and scraped it back and forth, back and forth to whipe his ass for then to whip someone with it for bonus points. And then he hit the dingo with it in the ballsack and told it 'YOU!! I WANT TO SCRAPE YOU WITH THAT THING OVER THERE *Points at... THE THING* 'IT WILL GO UP YOUR ASS'.

Meanwhile the neighbors house...
Jack Koff was robbing his rubber cat which sent him a deaththreat by shoving the ironpipe into the nose of the snake. The ironpipe was then voilently used to stroke the walrus's blubber which caused its feathers fall off that were used to make a tall, stylish hat that were given to the robbed rubber cat. Jack Koff was amused and did a slow mo highfive on the highway infront of the cars. Then he tried to cross the road like in the videogame frogger but a truck was killed in his attempt.

The end of the friendship between a man and his pink flamingo, which started off in the far far east on mount fuji where eagles can swim and hobo's rise from the trash to strike against the goverments ninja camera's who try to steal their views on youtube the green turkey took a crap.
The green turkey of big momma guanalama who owns the hotel of powalski's which is located somewhere near hoboville. The goverment was not amused and decided to send out its best fighter.. They decided black man should take on the job with his elite skills in the art of black magic and dark sorcery. Black man never told his name and no one knew it.. but they nicknamed him Kenny from ♥♥♥♥ (kfc for short). The black man jumped onto his JUB JUB which is like a lama except it dies when it stops running from sunbeams which blinds him and began his journey to fight the 1001 interweb trolls who hated the goverments video (1 dislike). During his devilishly handsome adventure JUB JUB stood still and looked with -.- eyes and saw their first enemy. JUB JUB suddenly dieded which made blackman go into ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mode. Blackman: m...mah JUB JUB....YOU KILLED MAH JUB JUB! JUB JUB was lying on the ground drooling with his eyes white ass my ass. Black man took out his 9mm pistol, taped it to his ♥♥♥♥, and started to hump while shooting. The enemy was a chinese man named Joe who dieded from a bullet to the knee.......and one through the balls. Joe fell to his death....and blackman approached his corpse and Blackman said: '♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DONT KNOW ♥♥♥♥ ABOUT MY CANNON PENIS'. Now KFC has to face the other 1000 enemies... but he got arrested for drugs smuggling and ended up in jail dropping his soap getting suprise goosh gooshed.

The end

Our theme song
Killing Floor 2013 Event
OmegaKnuckles 14 Dec, 2015 @ 8:52pm 
The fumes from this WEASEL TURD are terrible!
KiraKlene 15 Jan, 2013 @ 1:14am 
StormsEye 1 Jan, 2013 @ 5:20am 
Happy new year,everybody!
Knock My Teeth In With Tzeentch 26 Dec, 2012 @ 6:06pm 
Kill him ENDS IS LIFE!
KiraKlene 28 Jun, 2012 @ 12:50am 
I was hoping for a background story of the pyro or at least some good action.
The fantasy world was just lame
StormsEye 28 Jun, 2012 @ 12:47am 
Meet the Pyro was a real dissapointment to me, please leave your opinion here.
Group Player of the Week: