Verdun Game VerdunGame
Verdun Game VerdunGame
26 April, 2013
ABOUT Verdun Game

Official Verdun Community Hub

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V116 "Picardie" Live
V116 - 29th of November

Verdun Players!

Happy (belated) thanksgiving to our contingent from the United States. Earlier this week we launched an exciting new update. containing the long-awaited new map "Picardie". Picardie is our biggest map and will offer countless hours of gameplay fun. In addition we are reforming the gameplay to a more mature and realistic trench-warfare based game. Players are now part of a one continuous battle that goes back and forth. You attack, consolidate the captured ground by repelling and enemy counter-attack and advance one line further. Argonne and Vosges both have 2 lines on each side of the nomansland, Picardy has 3. Next to that we also added a binoculars to the officer roles, much required to place those long-ranged mortar rounds. The chasseurs 1914 uniform is now expanded with the iconic "tarte" berret. In addition there is a small teaser hidden somewhere in the main menu of content to be expected in the future.
Last but certainly not least: Steam achievements. A first batch of steam achievements has been added to the game. We are going to add a lot more as we progress.

  • Added the Picardy map
  • Attack/Counter-Attack Gameplay
  • Added Ambient artillery fire
  • Added Ambient MG fire
  • Steam Achievements

Frontline Gamemode
  • At the start of the match, one faction is picked to be the attacker
  • The attacking side has a certain amount of time to take the next line (5 min on smaller maps, 7 on the bigger)
  • If the attack succeeds, the defenders are designated as the attackers and now get the same amount of time to take bake their line. If they fail, the other faction can proceed their offensive.
  • Each time a line is conquered, the attackers gain 1 victory point. Each time the defenders beat off an attack they gain 1 victory point.
  • The attackers are allowed to advance up and including the next enemy line. The defenders are prohibited from advancing into the nomansland. Once an attack fails, the former attackers have 30 seconds to withdraw to their jump-off position.
  • A faction wins if they capture the last line and fend of 1 counter attack (securing their position) OR if the match timer runs out and they have had more victories.
  • Spawning has changed: The defenders spawn directly behind their defensive point, the attackers spawn one line back. For the landsers and poilus, if their officer is alive, they can spawn in the nomansland between the lines near the officer (critical to victory!), chasseurs and alpenjaegers can spawn with any teammate.

We hope you guys enjoy the game. The initial results are very good with some intensive matches (now the entire team attacks) and some good back-and-forth capturing.

Any Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated as we try to advance the game(play) into a more mature stage.

Our french community at have made available a teamspeak server

Picardy screens

Binoculars (extremely powerfull mortar attacks)

V133 Live
V113 - 22nd of November
Verdun players!
Today we launch a new version of Verdun! During this week as a result of the update in the graphics engine to a new version appeared to be malfunctioning, we sustained some delay. The subsequent rollback of this update cost several days of fixing. The past month have been one big effort to implement the new "picardie" map which was poised to launch early this week as well. It will see the light of day at the beginning of next week. This update fixes the introduced performance issues, adds the binoculars and changes the gameplay of the frontline gamemode.

If there are any issues, please report in this topic, we will put it on our to-do list. Thanks for participating in the Verdun Early Access Beta!

-Matt, Mike & Jos

  • Performance issues introduced in V109 have been fixed
  • Aiming of the character now more accurate (fixed sideways shooting issue)
  • Graphics improvement of Argonne map
  • Lightmap fixed on the Argonne map
  • German Jaeger squad early war uniform now has the M1914 jaeger shako
  • The Poilu Caporal, Landser Unterofizier, Chasseur Guide and jaeger Oberjager now have have receive the binoculars. Binoculars can be used to mark targets for artillery or set distance objectives (using Q). In addition you are able to bash with the binoculars.
  • Random artillery is now being fired on the map
  • Fixed foliage error
  • Frontline gamemode update: per round there is 1 attack faction and 1 defending. Once the round is over, the defenders will go to counter-attack.
  • Frontline gamemode update: attacking faction is not allowed to enter final spawn
  • Frontline gamemode update: defending faction is not allowed to enter enemy territory captured (tactical withdrawal).
  • Frontline gamemode update: Spawning now more tactical. Attackers and defenders now spawn 1 line behind the current contested objective, unless they can spawn with a squad member. (Jaegers and chasseurs can spawn with any squad member, Poilus and Landers only with their captain (Caporal and unteroffizier)

Some teasers of the new map Picardie which will be live soon:

Graphics update of the Argonne map

John Ross [NES] 18 Mar @ 11:02am 
Buenas, soy del CLAN de ARMA 3 NavyEspSeals, Clan que se dedica a hacer simulacion militar al maximo realismo de los grupos de operaciones especiales de la Armada EEUU los Navy SEAls.

Tanto nuestros usuarios como administradores son gente con muchisima experiencia tanto militar como policial en la vida real, que te ayudarán e instruirán desde cero para que puedas actuar y simular como un verdadero soldado, ademas de hacer milsim tenemos un equipo profesional que se dedica a competir en los campeonatos de ARMA 3 mas importantes a nivel nacional e internacional.

Disponemos de varios servidores abiertos 24/7 aparte de días y horarios de instrucción para que puedas formarte como soldado.

Si te gusta la seriedad, el
Respeto, el compañerismo y meterte en la piel de un soldado este es tu sitio, UUUAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!



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✪Ģrenz☠Ḟeldwebel✪ 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:30am 
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berhu4k 14 Apr, 2021 @ 10:18am 
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ANNATAR 31 Dec, 2020 @ 3:38am 
Only a Turk can win you trench warfare. You are in luck. I am here :)
Storage Acc. #1 22 Aug, 2020 @ 9:38pm 
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26 April, 2013