13 December, 2014

Free and open source engine for HoMM III

We want to rewrite the entire H3 engine (VCMI is NOT another mod) giving it new possibilities. Years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:
  • Complete gameplay mechanics
  • Almost all objects, abilities, spells and other content
  • Basic battle AI and adventure AI
  • Many GUI improvements: high resolutions, stack queue, creature window
  • Advanced and easy mod support - add new towns, creatures, heroes, artifacts and spells without limits or conflicts
  • Launcher for easy configuration - download mods from our server and install them immediately!
  • Random map generator that supports objects added by mods
  • Linux, Mac OS and Android ports

Few geeky details:
  • VCMI written in C++
  • Used libraries: Boost, SDL, fuzzylite (AI), FFmpeg, Qt (launcher)
  • Licensed under GPLv2 or later

Social networks and more:

Official website and Downloads[]
Source code on GitHub[]
Bug tracker[]
VCMI 1.2.0 released
Biggest update yet!
VCMI project is gaining momentum recently. Thanks to extraordinary activity of developers and supporting community we are able to present you the biggest release yet, containing tons of new features as well as bug fixes. This time we definitely focused on user experience, trying to polish all the features and rectify the issues encountered in the past.

Rendering improvements
The rendering engine got a rewrite, resulting in smooth and correct animations, as well as overall better performance and lower CPU consumption. All the animations should have exactly same timing and order as in original game, and adventure map scrolls smoothly.

Revamped GUI
We introduced a number of quality-of-like GUI improvements known from popular HD Mod, as well as custom features and options that will make the game more accessible and fun to play. All the features are customisable and can be disabled depending on your preference. There is new in-game menu with more options than ever before. The highlights include expanded RMG options window, optional display of adventure map rewards in Status Window as well as extra tooltips on adventure map and in the battle.

Translation support
VCMI now supports translations - both with original game content and mods. Game will automatically pick preferred language configured in Launcher and enable translations of the content that allows it. Many existing mods from our repository have already been translated thanks to combined effort of the community.

New user-friendly Launcher
Following numerous reports and complaints, our Launcher got complete overhaul. New players will now be guided through installation and configuration process, which should reduce confusion and help you get the game running quickly with the best configuration possible.

A lot of effort was spent on fixing and polishing the game as much as possible. Hundreds of issues were found and fixed, especially in battle visuals and mechanics. We did our best to ensure players' experience will not be disrupted by unexpected bugs. Of course you may also observe tweaks in Random Map Generator and AI, as well as about any aspect of the game.

Mod system got a few subtle, but significant extensions. Capabilities of configurable adventure map objects were expanded, as well as secondary skills and related bonuses.

Please note that save games from v1.1 are incompatible with v1.2!

And many others
The list of changes is too big to fit here, please refer to the detailed backlog on Github.

But the journey doesn’t end here, more features are already scheduled for 1.3 release.

We also launched official VCMI Discord channel, join us here:

For more details our website and wiki:
Release versions also available on GitHub:

VCMI 1.1.0 released
Big update before 2023!
Three months passed since our previous release and we observed many downloads and quite big interest to the project from the community. We want to say thank you for that and willing for more! Such support really motivates us, thus we were able to increase our efforts towards new features and would like to share with you one more big update this year.

iOS support
VCMI supports one more platform! Now you can play heroes on your iPad or iPhone and it’ll have all game mechanics, including mods. Installation is not so simple as it could be using the official AppStore but it’s definitely worth to make several simple steps from this instruction and it will be easier than expected!

Online multiplayer
We have overcome most of challenges on a way to multiplayer so it’s finally possible to play VCMI with your friends or with random people at Windows, macOS, Linux or iOS. You can play over local network or use lobby mode from Launcher to play over internet.

Map editor
Map editor for VCMI was rewritten in order to be cross-platform (currently works on Windows, macOS and Linux) and support mods. Map editor is included into installation package so everyone can create and share their own scenarios.

Game engine
We continue investing into the game stability, tons of bugs were addressed, but don’t forget to report about problem if it appears. Version 1.1 has many aesthetics improvements, among them long-awaited ray shooting, tower icons, fixes for battle effects. Music isn’t playing from the beginning while switching active screen and you can listen to the legendary soundtracks in the same way as in original game. Worth to mention that performance of random map generation got severe boost as well.

Please note that save games from v1.0 are incompatible with v1.1!

Artificial intelligence
Nullkiller AI in combination with Battle AI is not only more stable but also gets smarter on the battlefield. Enemy hero may consider winning chances as poor and prefer to escape.

And many other changes
Update is not limited to highlighted improvements, almost every game aspect has undergone some changes, the detailed backlog is on the release page. Of course, new features and the game in common are still not in ideal state but we want people enjoy them and our team will continue doing the best we can. In turn, we are looking forward for feedback or even better contribution into this wonderful project from anyone!

VCMI team wishes you happy New Year and will meet in 2023!

For more details check news on our new website and wiki:
Release versions also available on GitHub:

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13 December, 2014