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Tryhard Buddies T-Buds
กลุ่ม STEAM
Tryhard Buddies T-Buds
24 สิงหาคม 2014
เกี่ยวกับ Tryhard Buddies

Dawn of The Tryhards

For too long have we tryhards been suppressed by the casuals. For too long have they ridiculed us. Made us look bad. Tried to make us feel bad. For too long have they acted like games are meant to be casual. That you can't even try to win when playing games. That you're supposed to have this thing called "fun", whatever that means.

NOT ANYMORE! As another day dawns, we, the tryhards, will swarm the servers of Team Fortress 2. We will wreck face. We will win all the rounds. We will make the filthy casuals PAY for their heathen views. We will show the casuals the error of their ways. We WILL convert them.
We will make tryhards out of EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
Yeah, this was kind of a joke if you couldn't tell, though it might turn into a real group at one point.

Feel free to invite whoever. Chardonnay or I will kick them if we don't like them :^)
Later on if we get enough members, we'll start doing events. I'll also rent a server and keep it up if enough people use it.

A HUGE thanks to Scifer for making the AMAZING group picture!
Minecraft server
15 ความเห็น
Chardonnay 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 4: 55am 
Update da server m8
Bumble 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 4: 24am 
also cant connect to your server at the momment as it says its running an older version of the game !!!
Psyk-e 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 4: 14am 
Also, in the future, please use English when writing a comment. Pretty much no one but us Danish people speak Danish, you know. And we're the minority, BY FAR, in this group.
Psyk-e 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 4: 11am 
Rent faktisk så er det at ændre map listen ikke så hårdt. Det er let nok. Og navnet kunne i princippet bare blive som det er. Men nej. Måske ændrer jeg det til en koth server næste måned, i hvert fald en del af måneden.
Psyk-e 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 4: 08am 
Du kan vel regne ud, at jeg stoppede med at spille på Battle Creek af en grund, ikke? xD Lorte design, lorte balance. Der er allerede tonsvis af koth servere derude, også. Og det er bare Valve servere. Desuden ville det kræve jeg skiftede navnet på serveren og ændrede map listen. Hvilket jeg ikke gider lige p.t
Chardonnay 19 ก.ย. 2014 @ 1: 54am 
Det vil ikke skade at prøve... Der er ikke mange der spiller cp alligevel... xD (Kun mig men jeg er også mærkelig)
0 ในแช็ต
24 สิงหาคม 2014