The Power Magazine ThePowerMag
The Power Magazine ThePowerMag
13 February, 2017
ABOUT The Power Magazine

Reviews With Attitude

First issue due March 17 2017

The Power Magazine[]
Amiga Power on AMR[]
The Power Magazine Officially Launched - Reviews With Attitude
The Power - The Magazine For Steam Machines
(But really anyone who uses Steam in any way should be able to get something out of our magazine.)

As there is more than one other publication with variations on the title Power The Power The Power Magazine and Power Magazine, funnily enough all body-building related, our official name is The Power Magazine SteamOS, but you can know us as The Power or The Power Reviews on social media.

A Google search for "the power magazine SteamOS" yields our page as the 8th result. Not too bad considering there's nothing there yet. If you add the word "Amiga" to the end then it's 4th. I can only assume that once we actually have some content that situation can only improve.

You may think of us as picking up where Amiga Power left off in 1996, like some kind of multi-headed brain starved zombie creature mercilessly feasting on the brains of poor quality games.

Only Valve are not Commodore and are far less likely to go belly-up half a decade into our lifespan. We are serious, we are professional, and we are here for the long haul to hopefully restore some standards to game reviews.

If The Power Magazine were a rapper it would be the kind of n***** that was built to last.

We will not be afraid to hold back, and indeed the fact that we are 100% independent means we have the freedom to say that a game is "♥♥♥♥" if it IS in fact ♥♥♥♥. We are aimed at the more mature gamer who may recall Amiga Power. But of course we will not hesitate to recommend quality titles also, for example...

Our first Early Access preview will feature the rather excellent CrossCode, which is still in Early Access but is very nearing completion. And the first real issue which will hopefully be released April 15th and will feature a REAL AMIGA FLOPPY both available for download AND AS A REAL AMIGA FLOPPY. If you want one of these then stay tuned for more information as numbers are strictly limited. We may even manage to get a Polish manufacturer to manufacture them closer to the UK for all our Pommie cousins who may want one of these.

As perhaps the major difference between us and the original Amiga Power is that we are an Australian magazine, and not Based in Bath. Also we are entirely self-funded at this point, and while we do intend to make all our magazine content available for free we also plan on offering "Cover Data" for subscribers, among other services. Obviously USB stick is the kind of media one would put on a magazine for Steam Machines.

But the second major difference is while we definitely see ourselves as the consumers advocate and will strive to remain untainted by any corporate interests we also see ourselves as the Developers advocate and will feature tutorials related to producing assets for indie games. If you recall Tony Horgan's OctaMED tutorials in CU Amiga then you will find a very similar HivelyTracker tutorial in the rear of our magazine which is written in a way that a complete beginner can create a a listenable loop and the experienced musician can dive right in.

And there will be some kind of competition to see who get's the one of the four real Amiga DD coverdisks with issue one. Probably involving HivelyTracker.

If the unthinkable should happen and we have ourselves with an actual paper magazine in a year or two's time then we pledge now to use either electrical or masking tape to affix media and NEVER selotape again!

Our rating policy
  • 10 is unattainable (when I see 10/10 in a review I ignore the review)
  • 9 is so excellent it's recommended for everyone
  • 8 is good for people who like the genre or perhaps slightly bugged
  • 7 is for people who REALLY like the genre or perhaps slightly bugged
  • 6 is a poor game but I still enjoyed it a bit or possibly good but buggy
  • 5 is I had a small amount of fun but not much, or extremely bugged
  • 4 I didn't have any fun, but technically there's nothing wrong with it or I would have had fun if not for the technical issues
  • 3 No fun and slightly flawed
  • 2 Mildly painful to play or extremely bugged
  • 1 quite painful to play or crippling technical issues
  • 0 for whatever reason totally unplayable

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13 February, 2017