The Brotherhood of the Swan Silver Swan
The Brotherhood of the Swan Silver Swan
2 August, 2016
ABOUT The Brotherhood of the Swan

Time withers all things.

No information given.
Games Concluded No.11, Player of the Night: Galu
CKII Session 1
The Start

So the start was very slow due to tech issues however some interesting things did happen. Unfortunatly someone in the north lost there leader very quickly as they used them to go for a head on charge against the enemy, only for them to die with an axe to head on that first charge. So unfortunatly he was put in regency for almost the whole session.

The Byzantine empire was launched strait into a civil war, because they say I had too much authority over them. Well I went on to tell them who was their Emperor and they do what I say and spent a lot of the start just defeating them.

Spain took a turn for the worse in the eyes of the Muslims as their new subjects started to cause issues for them. And so they caused a civil war for idependence, but were beaten back.

Europe was also interesting both for the player and the AI as Italy and Lothariane combined due to inherency of the Karling family. However Hirtol thought he out do them as he got some lords, who were not happy with this and started his own revolt. Also The Duke of Fruili thought he would take advantage of this rebellion, and declared war on his liege just for a province he owned.

Mid to End Session

So looking up to the north in Scandinavia and Novgorod, the Kingdom of Norway was founded and conquered the releam of Denmark. Making him quick a power house to the north. As Kiev started expand the Hungarians or Magyars thought they deserved the land more, and declared a war on him for it.

Europe ended some what ok. The revolt against Lothariane did not go well had to be bailed out by a few nations, inorder to pay his ransom for his failure for freedom. Fruili won somehow against them for just a province, which many lives were lost for such a small thing. Venice also started to take land down of the Croatian coast.

However the biggest turn of events was that of Muslim Spain and the Byzantine Empire (which got renamed Eastern Roman Empire). For Spain was getting none stop holy wars against West Francia and other Christian nations. As he had been servely weaken by the revolts, independent nations of his and diesease. However once he finally got peace he got an offer from someone unlikely he would accept.

The deal he was given was to be vassalied by ERE. For if he was not a independent ruler no one could declare holy wars against him. So with an infirm, diesease ridden ruler, batten by the wars of faith he accepted. Suddenly 3/4 of spain became the lands of the ERE, their task no further in restoring the Roman Empire due to him needing to take the lands of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusaleum. However Spain is now secure for the Empire who will rise from the ashes and be even greater than before...

(To be continued)


- Aoffroad: Basileus Basileios of the Byzantine Empire
- Warrior Jesus In Space: Count Eudes of Bourbon
- Thorn-Lord Arthyn: Count Giselbert of Hainaut
- Hirtol: Duke of Fruili
- White Bishop: Dyre the Stranger of Konugardr (Kiev)
- Lucius Junius Aemilianus: Serene Doge of Venice
- Arveduim: Evil Byzantine Henchman
- LordMartel: Harald Yngling of Norway
- Juselius: Count of Thüringen
- Brasidas: Muslim guys of Spain

LCDC 28 Jun, 2022 @ 6:18am 
rest in peace
Arv 27 Nov, 2018 @ 8:27pm 
We don’t play much AoE anymore I’m afraid, Paradox games have taken over the discord. On that note, if you want to try and properly join the group said discord is the better choice, link is just up above.
Red Death Rising 27 Nov, 2018 @ 6:09pm 
Galu I have watched your Age of Empires videos on Youtube, and I have to say i've enjoyed the adventure it takes me on. I am not what you call a competitive player. It is hard to find people to play Age of Empires the way you and I like to play. I would enjoy to play a friendly game of Age of Empires if you want. Thank you for your time. The Istari
Dracxus 22 Sep, 2018 @ 8:05pm 
May I join the Brotherhood + maybe Galu's discord if I got questions for DaC 2.2
Galu 13 Mar, 2018 @ 3:31pm 
Best to head to Discord there you can PM me. :)
Athilora 13 Mar, 2018 @ 7:43am 
I'm looking for a way to ask a couple of questions from Arachir privately. Am I in the right place?
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2 August, 2016