STEAM グループ
Report ScamURLs ScamURL
STEAM グループ
Report ScamURLs ScamURL
Report ScamURLs について

Reporting Scam URL's

IMPORTANT: ALL links within this group should be handled with care, and are most likely scam-links (programs). If you're unsure about a link, just post it and let someone else look at it.

This group is for moderators and regularly reporting users to find each other and have a central place to report scam URL's, so they can quickly be blocked throughout Steam community and chat - independent of availabity of certain moderators.

The thread to report is HERE (interested community moderators can subscribe to thread to receive notifications).

Additionally, sub threads could be made to discuss improvements to the system in general, and a central hub for reporting to other related authorities (like google, the hosting provider, the anti-virus sites etc).

The group will be private initially and remain private, and invitiations should be handled with care.
Retiring this group
20 件のコメント
Rocky Gh0st 2021年6月5日 9時15分 
Just wanted to say hi! :steamhappy:
TehSpoopyKitteh 2020年12月29日 14時58分 
We can no longer post them in the forum without the automatic system picking it up. It’s happened to 3 users here where our accounts got flagged for it.
snh 2018年11月12日 10時11分 
Please stop posting malicious links in the comments section. Read the group description and post them in the forum.
Harpy 2018年9月28日 8時35分 
I agree with The Spoopy Kitteh, scammers also are exploiting the ability to message users not on their friends list. I've gotten 3 messages from bots today advertising scam websites.
TehSpoopyKitteh 2018年9月1日 8時57分 
Can we please push to require mobile authentication to upload items to the CSGO workshop? The amount of phishing link spam is getting out of hand.

TTV/ProfessorFartsalot 2018年1月23日 17時43分 
Just a heads up: is an off topic discussion advertising selling artwork but it's in CSGO and the seller is asking for paypal in return for artwork. Upon asking him why he posted he said he has 15 alt accounts and doesn't care.
15 チャット中