The Raffle Masters T.R.M.S.
The Raffle Masters T.R.M.S.
28 November, 2012
United States 
ABOUT The Raffle Masters

Here the masters raffle off anything and everything.

Ok, So my name is Kyle and I wanted to start to raffle off things that were cheap like a sharp dresser and I recieved 2 keys from that so I thought of making a group.


100 Member's ✓
500 Member's
1,000 Member's
5,000 Member's
10,000 Member's

The people you can trade with for the raffles is: I myself or any middlemen I can get.

We are trying to blow up our group so invite your friends and everyone you know. If you think this is fake we will allow you to record us while we trade and to take screen shots of the trade, but do not just report us just because you assume we are scamming, because why would we scam if we are making lots of profit's.

How to raffle off your item: You can add me then trade your item, Then we will raffle it off we get a small percentage of the raffle. We will have at the maximum 50 entry's and the least is 5. entry's. If it is expensive like an unusual worth a bud it will be about 30 entry's and 1 key to enter or how ever the owner of the item wants to organize it.

How to buy in: The person who is raffling the item will choose how many entry's they will have for the event. Then it will show how much you must pay to buy-in you can buy as many as you like. Might have terms. (Raffle may very)

You can raffle off anything that will do good in a raffle such as: Any Unusual, Bot Killer (worth a bit), Genuines, Bill's, Bud's, etc. Mainly the item's should be something people want to get.
Q & A:
Q: If you raffle something what do I recieve?
A :You will get the member of the week award and might be admin depending on what you are raffling the higher the value the higher the chance.

Q: Why do you must raffle a high valued item to recieve admin?
A: Well most people thing we are scammer's so you will be awarded for trusting us with a great item.

Q: How to buy-into a raffle or enter?
A: You can just messege me and tell me (in a trade) what raffle you want to be in and then you must give me what the raffle ask's for.

Ex: If the raffle is an unusual worth a bud, And there are 28 entrys you must pay however much each entry it is should range to a key because a bud is around the 24-28 ranges in keys. So you either give me a key or you give me any metal or items worth a key (Must be the price of key at the present time)! Then I ask what slot number you would like to buy-in in and that number will be yours.

I use this program to pick the winner and I also just pick the winners for competitions but this for raffles:

Like always have fun and raffle safely!
I will add this here because I have gotten some complaint's their are some term's in some of my raffle's such as refund's, joining, and etc.

My Profile
Raffling: Genuine Cockfighter 1 Refined Entry!
Raffling: A Strang Baby Face's Blaster 1 Rec Entry's!
teemogaren13 2 Sep, 2013 @ 8:41pm 
+Rep Great group I asked why the raffle's were so slow and it was because he needed to trade up for an amzing raffle coming up +Rep really trustworthy I join most of his raffle's
Mugzy 1 Aug, 2013 @ 3:23pm 
i want to be in the raffle
adda1? 22 Jun, 2013 @ 11:08pm 
+rep the wait might have taken a while but in the end it was worth it this guy is trust worth to the end
chill guy who lowkey dgaf 10 Mar, 2013 @ 2:41pm 
+Rep the owner is such a nice guy and totally not a scammer I soon will give item's in the future to this awesome group I trust him with my life you should too!
captainthatguy 6 Dec, 2012 @ 11:54pm 
Traded with [T.R.M.S.]GamingProdigy313. There was an issue with the trade. He could have taken my items and ran without paying, but he didn't. That's why I joined this group. I know honest people are running it.
Enter chat room
28 November, 2012
United States